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“Yeah, yeah. Just sex. Super classy move, big brother. That’s exactly what I want to hear.”

“Ew, please don’t talk about sex.” I smiled into the darkness of my kitchen. “Can I tell you a secret?”

“Maybe. As long as we are detouring from this topic. Because, holy awkward, I probably don’t want to know.”

“Oh, one hundred percent topic change. Or mostly.” I paused for effect, my chest suddenly aching. “She’s pregnant.”

The gasp on the other end didn't disappoint. “You’re kidding?”

“Not at all.”

“Oh my God, Brady. Congratulations! How far along is she? Are you happy? Is she good?”

“She’s great. She’s…” I trailed off as the soft pitter patter of feet sounded against my hardwoods. I turned to find the source of the conversation wandering into the room. She was in my robe, the heavy fabric belted tight so that it didn’t slip off her shoulders.

“She’s there, isn’t she? Go on, big brother. Be with her. But call me soon, because I want all the details.”

“Done.” I hung up, raising a brow as Cici eyed me curiously. “It was my sister.”

Her brows lowered, and then she laughed. “Oh, I don’t care who you call. I was just trying to figure out if I could sneak some snacks into your bed without you knowing. And here you are, ruining my plan.”

I grabbed her, yanking her against my chest for a harsh kiss. “You savage. Who eats in bed?”

Her eyes were sparkling as she stepped between my knees, locking her arms around my waist. My chest ached as my heart thundered, thrilled by the simple intimacy of her.

“Fine. No chips. I’m not waking up to find myself covered in BBQ flavor dust.”

Cici squealed, turning to the cabinet behind us, where she began to rummage through the various snack foods. She chatted about her favorites, discarding them one after the other as I watched. I wasn’t really listening, because I couldn’t focus. My brain was just consumed with the fact that after everything tonight, this felt more intimate and revealing than anything else we’d done before.

“Brady? Are you okay?” Cici pinned me with a worried look. Her pretty lips turned downward as she stopped digging.

My stomach twisted. This was my moment. I could tell her everything right now, rip the Band-Aid off.

But I couldn’t.

Fucking coward.

“I’m good. Deep in thought about which sodium situation we should start with.”

The smile she sent back warmed me through and through.



“Cecelia Grove?”

“Here,” I said, immediately regretting the schoolhouse wording as I stood, smoothing my pencil skirt as I did. It felt like every eye was on me as I passed through the crowded waiting room and towards the nurse calling my name.

There was something weird about being in an office that primarily existed because people had sex. I kept my eyes forward, fixed on the nurse as I passed by couple after couple sitting in the room. Most of them were holding hands, or at the least talking to each other quietly. When their eyes met mine, I immediately regretted my decision to not call Brady that second time.

Because he’d said he’d be here. And suddenly I was alone.

I gulped, nodding to the nurse when I got close enough.

“How are you feeling?” she asked, her face cheerful. She was probably used to dealing with mothers who came in here glowing and full of pregnancy bliss. I almost felt guilty that she had gotten stuck with me.

I realized I’d walked the whole length of the hall without answering. And now things were weird. I swallowed again, clearing my throat. “I’m fine, thank you.”

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