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The woman chuckled. “Here, let me point out a few things. It’s a little tough at this point.”

The image suddenly froze, and as if on cue, Brady and I both sucked in a breath. Right there, illuminated on the ultrasound, was a tiny, misshapen lump. And while it could’ve been anything, I knew instantly.

“And here’s your little one’s heartbeat. I’ll play it in a moment,” the technician said, moving the mouse around clicking various measurements as I stared at the screen in awe.

My baby.


There it was. Safe and sound and tucked up tight against my body.

My hand in Brady’s was squeezing, and I wasn’t sure if it was me or him, but either way we clung to each other, staring our future in the face.

“Wow,” Brady said softly, and it echoed in my heart.

As if I was some kind of camera people clicked into focus, I felt it. I felt everything. Hot tears gathered in my eyes and slipped slowly down my cheeks.

“There’s baby,” the technician said unnecessarily. She clicked a button, and suddenly Brady and I were surrounded by the sound of our child, strong and healthy.

I felt his lips press against mine as the tiniest sob escaped my mouth. I hadn’t been sure what to expect, but this, this was everything. In a matter of moments, I’d managed to lose my heart once again.

This time to tiny baby Martinez. Or Grove. It didn’t matter anymore. Nothing mattered except making sure they were going to make it Earthside safely.

Nothing would stop me from accomplishing that.


Chapter 19


I prided myself on being ahead of the game usually. I had lists of lists of things I had going on. A calendar of every type. But nothing could’ve prepared me for telling my family about the baby. After spending the week after the appointment waffling over how to do things, Ashlyn finally pinned me down in my office, propped up my phone, and hit call.

I hated her and loved her all in the same instant.

“I know I should’ve called earlier. Or maybe even came down to visit. But the timing was just tricky. And I couldn’t wait any longer to tell you guys.”

“You’re pregnant?” My mother’s voice was strange through the video call.

Beside me, Ashlyn’s hand tightened on my thigh. She smiled into the phone. “Isn’t it amazing? The baby is going to come right after the wedding.”

I covered Ashlyn’s hand with my own, silencing her. “Ashlyn,” I warned quietly, turning my attention back to the phone screen balanced precariously on the edge of a framed picture of my dad. “I am, Mom. Roughly seven weeks.”

“But, what? Cici, this is a bit of a shock. Who's the father?”

“My boyfriend,” I said, guilt dripping from every word.

“You have a boyfriend?” My mother’s confusion was evident now.

I could see the surprise in my sister, Nora’s, face, but she remained quiet. Her deep-blue gaze was steady on me, patiently waiting.

“Brady Martinez. Actually, I think maybe you two met at Ashlyn and Liam’s engagement party.” I met her shocked expression head-on through the camera. “I like him, Mom. He’s going to be an amazing father.”

My mother’s voice was small. “I’m just trying to catch up. You’ll have to give me a moment.” She pressed a hand against her chest, making my own ache with want. This time for the acceptance that I suddenly found myself needing.

Finally, she took a long, deep breath then smiled at the two of us. “Okay, I’m back. Are you happy, Cici? You can be honest.”

The question surprised me. I’d been prepared to talk about details or even hold up the grainy ultrasound image I still had clutched in my fingers. But this caught me off guard. “I’m still sorting things out. But…” I swallowed. “I think I am. I always wanted to have a family. I hoped that the company would be in a bit of a different spot, but here we are.”

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