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My mother turned away, leaning her tiny frame against the sink. I gave her a minute to let my words sink in. “They will be your grandchild, Ma. Lyla’s cousin. Katie’s niece or nephew. And no matter how it happened, I want them. You won’t change that. But I was really hoping to have you on my side during all of this.”

Her hands clapped together. “Oh Brady, I could never be upset at you for loving your baby. I was just surprised. First a girlfriend, now a baby. You’re giving us whiplash.” I could see the shimmer of tears across her eyes as she watched me and waited.

“I know. Would it help to see pictures?”

My mother’s face transformed, her jaw dropping as she stepped across the kitchen, snatching my phone from my hand. “Oh, my Lord. Look at that.” Her hand covered her face as she stared at the ultrasound pictures I’d stored.

“I always thought people were crazy when they talked about ultrasound stuff, but just watching that flutter. Being able to hear them. It gutted me.”

My mother smiled ruefully. “I believe that’s a fairly normal reaction for new fathers.”

“Scroll to the end. I caught some video of the heartbeat too,” I said, watching as she did as I directed. As the soft, thumping noise filled the space in my childhood kitchen, I leaned back. “I never knew it’d be like this.”

My mother handed me back my phone after another long, wistful look. “What do you mean?”

“I’d always wanted a family, a wife who adored and challenged me, a baby to love.” I looked away. “It seems like it all came to be after everything went wrong with Adriana.”

My mother’s sigh was harsh in my ears. “You can’t think like that. We did everything we could for Adriana. And when that wasn’t enough, we brought in the professionals. There’s nothing wrong with that.”

I smiled at her ruefully. “That sounds familiar.”

“It’s because I’ve practiced it a hundred times since we intervened in Adriana’s lifestyle.” She stepped close, her hand on my chest. “And it’s true. We did what was hard, but even Adriana is grateful for it now. She tells me during our calls.”

“Speaking of,” I started.

My mother waved a hand. “I won’t tell her. Not until you’re ready.”

I smiled, but it was painful. “I just want to be sure everything is okay, you know? Before I tell her. I want her to be excited with us.”

“What about Lyla? Will you tell her?”

“Oh God, of course. Cici already called dibs on being there when we do. But probably closer to twelve weeks, when everything is clear? We did some early testing.”

My mother’s hands suddenly gripped my arms. “Will you find out the sex then? I’d love to know what my newest grandbaby will be!”

She sobered up quickly, eyeing me with sharp, dark eyes. “How are you going to tell Katie?”

“Uh, I already did. We were talking, and I just threw it out there.”

My mother rolled her eyes. “Excellent choice.”

“Well, now you two can talk about it behind my back. I give you full permission.” My mother and sister spoke constantly. It was rare that I spoke to one that the other didn’t know my news within the few minutes it took me to walk to my car.

“As if we needed it. But thanks.” Mom took a long drink of coffee, leaning back against the cabinets. “So what are you going to do about Cecelia Grove?”

I grinned at her. “That’s simple. I’m going to make her fall in love with me.”

“Oh yeah?”

“She won’t even know what hit her.” I placed my mug on the countertop. “I’ve been waiting my whole life for a woman like her. To me the baby is just the topping on the cake.”

“Why do you seem so stressed?”

I met her gaze head-on. “Because it’s been too good. I can’t shake the feeling that the other shoe is about to drop.”

“You can’t exist like that. You know that.”

“I do, but it doesn’t stop me. Even when I wish it did.”
