Page 8 of A Ryan Halloween

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I wait, expecting one of the others to come untie me instead, but minutes pass and I’m still blindfolded and tied to a tree.

I strain to hear what is going on around me. The rain hitting the leaves. Some sort of insect making a noise.

Oh fuck! What if they start crawling over me? What insects are even out here? I mean, I’m not scared of bugs, but I don’t want any crawling over me while I’m tied to a tree. And what about other animals?

My heart starts pounding again and I twist my wrists trying to break free of the rope binding my hands. I don’t like this any more. I don’t like feeling helpless. But the devil has bound me tight.

I think about shouting for help but my pride won’t let me. I can hold out a little longer. They would never let anything bad happen to me, right?

I lean against the tree and sigh. Someone will be here soon.



Istand in the darkness and watch her. She is struggling with the ropes around her wrists and I can feel the anxiety in her from here. I fight the urge to go to her and tell her everything is okay.

Five minutes. That’s how long I need to leave here there. It gives everyone else time to get back and pretend like we were never out here. If she keeps struggling though, I’ll go to her. I’ll stroke her hair and tell her she’s safe, because I can’t bear to see her afraid.

But then she stops. She rests her cheek against the tree trunk and the softest smile plays on her lips. She knows we would never let anything bad happen to her. That we would all die to protect her.

So I keep watching. She is fucking beautiful. She is mine.

When the five minutes are up, I go to her. Her head snaps up as I start to untie her hands. I rub the red skin on the inside of her wrists softly and then release her hands. Immediately, she reaches for her blindfold.

“No,” I tell her, trying to disguise my voice as best I can. I’ve taken off my mask and I don’t want to ruin the illusion. She knows who we all are, I’m sure, but still.

“Okay,” she whispers and drops her hands to her sides. Fuck me, she is so compliant. I don’t usually give a fuck about her doing what I tell her to do, that’s kind of my older brothers’ deal, but I do love her submissiveness when it comes to her body.

My cock twitches when I think about being out here alone with her and the things she would let me do. For a few seconds, I seriously contemplate pushing her back against that tree and fucking her again, but I should shower first. Not to mention, she looks cold and tired and her legs are shaking.

Instead, I scoop her into my arms and head back to the house. She smiles and snuggles her head against my chest as she snakes one arm around my neck and curls some of my hair around her fingertip.

“Thank you,” she whispers.

My only reply is a soft kiss on her forehead.



He smells so good as I press my face against his chest. I guess he doesn’t have his mask on as he warned me not to take off my blindfold, but I still know this is my vampire. His hair is a little longer than normal and it reaches his collar. I curl a wet strand of it around my finger as he carries me through the trees.

I hope we’re heading back to the house. As much fun as this has been, I need some warmth, a soak in the tub and some food.

A few moments later, he stops and sets me down on my feet.

And then he is gone. I wait for further instructions but there are none. With trembling hands, I reach for my blindfold and untie it. Blinking as I remove the soft material from my eyes, I see I’m standing on the decking of our house. The lights are on now and the place looks warm and inviting.

I walk through the open double doors and into the lounge. My purse is on the coffee table and I breathe a sigh of relief because now we won’t have to go looking for it tomorrow.

My clothes are torn and soaked through. My knees are scratched and bleeding and I have cum dripping down the inside of my thighs. My hair is dripping with rain. I reach up and push a wet strand from my forehead, pulling out a stray twig that’s tangled at the roots. I caught a glimpse of myself in the glass door on the way in and figured I looked like I’d just stepped straight out of a horror movie.

Shane is sitting on the sofa with his cell phone in his hand. He looks up when he hears my wet sneakers squeaking on the polished wooden floor and arches an eyebrow at me. “Rough day, sweetheart?”

I arch an eyebrow at him. “You could say that.”

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