Page 103 of The Duke Not Taken

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Amelia put her hand on his back. “Steady, darling,” she whispered, and smiled up at him. “It’s just a birthday party.”

He smiled gratefully at her. She was the light of his life and he was the luckiest of all men.

November, 1862

To her Majesty the Queen, Justine,

Dearest Jussie, I hope this letter finds you well. I am still reeling over the news that Robuchard has been dispatched and Fedoro is your new prime minister. I always thought him a bit humorless. I should not like a PM who lacked a sense of humor.

How fares our future king? William has written that little Rolli is quite impressive on a horse, and he’s only four years! I won’t need to warn you that his baby brother, Vincent, will strive one day to be a better horseman—that’s the only amusement a spare has, you know, trying to best the heir.

We are all aflutter here as Ani has four words now:mamma,papa, andduck. Joshua swears she sayspeasforplease, but I think he is overly proud of his children.

We announced our happy news to our friends and children that I am expecting another child by the end of summer. They are all delighted, of course. Our Maksim is insistent he be provided a baby brother and claimed his sister cries too much. John said he would like another sister, as Ani thinks she is a boy and she isnot.

We were pleased to celebrate Ani’s first birthday Saturday last. In attendance were Carhill and his lovely lady and son. Naturally, Lord and Lady I, their children, and Donovan would not miss the occasion. We had quite a lovely time. Even Lady I was tolerant of me and made not a single remark about my mothering up until we found Ani on the floor, fast asleep with the dogs again.

The most curious thing happened just as the footman was serving cake. Butler announced that Miss Harriet Woodchurch had come to call. No one knew who she was except Lord I, who said he couldn’t imagine why she would have any reason to call on my husband. We were all dying of curiosity, and we asked that she be sent in.

I expected a grown woman, but she was a girl! She held her hands tightly together to keep them from shaking and, when Joshua asked her how he could help, she said she was in search of employment. We were all astounded by this. Joshua told her that we had all the household staff we needed, and she thanked him, but said she had something very different in mind and asked if he might have need of a secretary or perhaps a solicitor’s assistant! Can you imagine?

Joshua was very kind to the girl and told her he had a solicitor and a secretary, and he wished her luck and sent her on her way. It was amusing to all but Lady I, who said she would hope to never see her daughters in such a situation of having to beg for employment. I said I immediately had in mind that the girl ought to be at the Iddesleigh School for Exceptional Girls. I like ambition in a female, don’t you?

Beck said I should come around and see him if that was my idea, as he had information about young Miss Woodchurch that I might like to know. He made it sound very ominous, and then Blythe asked if the girl wasn’t the daughter of that odious man? Beck agreed that she was. Naturally, my interest was piqued, and I’ll go round tomorrow with the children.

My husband is calling me, darling, and so are my sons. I think their voices must be the best sound in all the world. All my love to you and William and the boys. And Mama. And of course, the dogs.
