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“Never mind gifts. Let’s go downstairs and find a thief,” she said.

He smiled. “I’m glad you’re on my side, Indy. Tonight you’re the big guns. They won’t know what hit them.”

She’d blasted straight through his defensive line.

You’re heart-stoppingly beautiful, was what he should have said.Forget-any-other-reason-for-living beautiful.

She snorted. “Men are so easy to bedazzle. A low-cut gown, a shiny diamond, and you’re like babes with a rattle: you can’t look away.” A smile played at her lips. “You’re not so bad yourself.”

He stood up straighter. “You approve?” He couldn’t help preening a little. Harris had fussed and hovered but Raven had been rather pleased with the results.

She moved closer. “You look good enough to eat.”

“Now, now, none of that, my lady.” He couldn’t very well escort her into the ball with a visible erection. The attraction between them was evergreen and ever present, that much was abundantly,firmly, clear.

He cleared his throat. “I don’t think that gown’s a monstrosity. It’s more like a superbly designed weapon of seduction.” She’d moved closer. He slid his finger along the edge of one of her sleeves. “This subtle pattern worked into the silk, like the bull’s-eye of a target—it’s meant to draw the gaze.”

“I may be wearing a seductive silk gown but I’m still me.” She drew up her hem to show him that underneath her long skirts she wore her trusty black leather boots. “I drew the line at French heels.”

A vision of her as a young hoyden sprang to mind. Indy wearing scuffed boots, running after him, falling and scraping her knees and getting right back up.

No tears. No fuss.

Emotion knotted in his throat. He wasn’t himself. He had to focus, regain his balance.

They had a job to do.

“I’ll bet you have that sharp dagger hidden somewhere,” he said.

“I might have,” she said with an arch smile.

Probably tucked into her silk garter. The garter that was currently hugging her supple, shapely thigh. The thigh he wanted to wrap around his hips as he drove home inside her silken heat...

“Raven.” Her eyebrows lifted. “Are we going down?”

“Er... of course. But before we do... I asked you for a truce back in London. I’d like to ask again. We’re on a mission and we’re going to win. It’s an equal partnership, and I trust you completely to uphold your end.”

“Agreed. We’re a team. Shall we shake hands on it?”

Another lump of emotion in his throat as her gloved hand slipped into his and fit so perfectly.

He lifted her hand and brushed his lips over her knuckles.

My lady.” He offered his elbow and she placed her gloved hand on his arm.

“These diplomatic affairs are usually quite dull,” he said as they walked down the corridor toward the grand staircase. “Every rule of protocol and precedence has to be followed with precision or someone will take offense.”

“You don’t have to lecture me on protocol. My mother was the queen of protocol. She drilled me on every nuance of French and German court life on the off chance that I might meet a foreign prince and become a princess.” She laughed. “Poor Mama. She always wanted me to have our engagement formally dissolved. My spinsterhood is a terrible cross for her to bear.”

She said the words so lightly but they settled like a heavy weight across his chest. “I don’t think we’ll have any princes tonight. Mostly ambassadors. A few consul generals. A smattering of first secretaries and French ministers. I hate these affairs, the stiffness and formality of these dreary occasions. Everyone is on their best behavior because of mutual mistrust. If you scratch beneath the polite veneer, though, the room will be a seething hotbed of intrigue and secrets.”

“I’ve heard that many diplomats are actually spies. Is that true?”

“Possibly,” he said carefully.

They paused in front of the doorway to the ballroom.

“I’m sure we’ll have to field multiple questions about our wedding plans,” said Indy.
