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Indy had thought the same thing when she set out on this journey. Now she wasn’t so sure.

“Ravenwood says these affairs are dull but for me it’s very interesting. I’ve never seen so many foreign dignitaries gathered together. The collective power in this room is astonishing. These are the men who wage wars, or embrace peace, uphold treaties or violate them. They hold the fates of so many lives in their hands.”

“Politicians and diplomats are merely men, and power has a tendency to corrupt,” said Catherine.

“True. I can’t help thinking that fewer wars would be waged if there were more females in power.”

“Hear, hear.” Lady Catherine lifted an imaginary glass.

“Are you still feeling unwell, Catherine? You’re awfully slender.”

“I do suffer those debilitating vertigo spells from time to time. Dr. Lowe has me on a strict diet to quiet my animal spirits.”

“How did you meet him?”

“He found me. He told me that I called to him across the ether and his spirit responded to mine.”

“But what exactly does he do for you if he’s not a medical doctor?”

Catherine laughed softly. “You wouldn’t call it doing anything but the effects are so powerful. He makes gestures, and places his hand just here,” she touched her solar plexus, just below her rib cage. “Sometimes he’ll leave his hand there for hours. And then I have the most peculiar sensations and eventually I will have a convulsion, which is a crisis of sorts and brings about the cure.”

Indy wondered if perhaps the man didn’t put his hand a little bit lower on Lady Catherine’s person. She’d experienced a few convulsions herself lately.

She’d never ask her friend such a personal question, of course.

Before Indy could express more concern, Dr. Lowe joined them again.

“You’re looking peaked, Lady Catherine. It’s time for your treatment. We will leave you now.”

Indy watched in consternation as her normally irascible, opinionated friend was led away like an invalid.

“If that little man hails from Vienna I’ll eat that diamond for breakfast. Liverpool more like,” said Raven, appearing at her side.

“I was thinking the same thing. I don’t like how much influence he seems to have with her. She said he treats her by passing his hand over her body and producing convulsions.”

“It’s all a bunch of charlatanism.”

“I’ll have to go and visit her when our search is concluded so that I may determine whether she’s being taken advantage of in some way.”

“Most likely he’s after her fortune.”

“Look sharp, Your Grace, the Russians are coming,” Indy whispered.

“That’s Petrov’s aide, Mr. Sokolov, approaching,” Raven replied.

“Your Grace.” Mr. Sokolov bowed. “His Excellency Boris Petrov conveys his greetings.”

Raven inclined his head. “Mr. Sokolov, allow me to present Lady India Rochester.”

Sokolov bowed over her hand.

“Would you and your charming companion care to join His Excellency for a drink?”

“We would be delighted,” said Indy.

They followed Sokolov across the room. Ambassador Petrov was a handsome, forceful-looking man with iron gray hair and thick black eyebrows, whom Indy judged to be in his early fifties.

Introductions were made, Ambassador Petrov speaking more to her bosom than her face.
