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“I didn’t think it was relevant to our quest. Tonight I wanted to speak with her alone about her amour with Sir Charles.”

“You left me with Le Triton.”

“I thought that was the plan. You wanted to speak with him.”

“That was the plan, until I realized how right you were. The man is... unsettling to say the least. There’s an almost palpable corruption in every word he says and every move he makes.”

“I shouldn’t have left you alone with him.”

“I volunteered for the duty.”

“I would have returned within the next five minutes. How did the conversation go?”

“Not as planned. Instead of inviting you to his house, he invited me. And he asked me to come alone. I think he was trying to seduce me.” She shuddered. “It was horrible.”

“Don’t even think about it. I’m not sending you in there alone.”

“I can do the reconnaissance just as well as you. I’ll see how many guards he has, where they are situated, where the stone could be kept.”

“I won’t let you do it.”

“Oh we’re back to this, are we? He’s not going to murder me, not when he knows you’re waiting for me to come home.”

“He might murder you.”

“You said yourself that no one has been invited into his fortress. I just received an invitation into his lair. What was I supposed to do? You were off with Miss Delacroix and Le Triton wasn’t interested in purchasing the necklace.”

“I’m not faulting you, I think you did a wonderful job.”

“But you don’t trust me to finish the job I started.”

“I don’t trust Le Triton. There’s a very big difference.”

“I don’t think there is.”

Raven pressed his fingers to her lips. The carriage had taken a wrong turn.

“What is it?” she whispered.

“The carriage turned the wrong way.”

“It’s probably a shortcut we don’t know about.

“There’s only one way to reach Montrouge and this is not it. This isn’t Lady Catherine’s carriage. We’ve been misled. Prepare yourself,” he said tersely. “The carriage is slowing.”

“Prepare for what?”

“For a fight,” he said grimly. “You have your hidden dagger at the ready?”

She nodded.

The carriage slowed and stopped. There were no lights or sounds.

The door opened.

“Out of the carriage, both of you,” a rough voice said in French. “And hands where I can see them.”

Chapter 21
