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“Actually, I was. I’ve no idea how he knew we were here. He’s a very resourceful man. Why don’t I take Lady Catherine to her chamber, and you can escort Sir Malcolm inside.”

Indy nodded and Raven supported Lady Catherine around the shoulders and led her back inside the house where her manservant was waiting with a perplexed expression on his face.

“Sir Malcolm,” Indy said, meeting him halfway to the house.

“Lady India.” He bowed. “We meet again. I had hoped it might be under happier circumstances, though. I know everything. I understand you sustained a blow to your head. How are you feeling?”

“Quite happy, actually.” She grinned. “You must not know everything. I told you I’d return the stone to you within the fortnight.”

Sir Malcolm’s gaze sharpened. “You know where it is?”

“I do indeed. Why don’t you come inside with me? I have something to show you.”

“How remarkable.” Sir Malcolm stood in front of the stone, tracing the lettering with his finger. Raven had left Lady Catherine in her chamber with servants to attend her. He’d found Sir Malcolm and Indy in the dungeons, examining the stone.

Dr. Lowe had been removed to a locked chamber which he shared with the still-groggy Baptiste. Miss Mina’s invention had worked like a charm.

“It’s the real stone,” said Malcolm.

“I know,” replied Indy. “If we hadn’t come here after my injury, we never would have guessed where it was hiding.”

“I was convinced Le Triton had taken it,” Raven said.

They’d found the stone. The search was over in the most unexpected of ways. The only thing missing was the Wish Diamond, but he didn’t care about that. Indy was safe and they’d found the stone, that was all that mattered.

“How did you know where to find us, Sir Malcolm?” asked Indy.

“Sir Charles made a confession to me when you never returned from Le Triton’s gaming house. He told me that he was in league with Miss Delacroix and Le Triton to steal the Wish Diamond. He was to receive a cut of the profits. He only confessed to his part in the matter because he feared that you might have been harmed. I located one of your assailants, who told me a very colorful tale.”

Raven took Indy’s hand. “If you’re ever outnumbered in a fight, Sir Malcolm, you’ll definitely want Lady India by your side.”

“Since you hadn’t returned to London, I figured that you would be here at Lady Catherine’s house. I had no idea the stone would be here as well.”

“Neither did we,” said Indy.

“Such a bad business,” said Raven. “I knew Dr. Lowe was a charlatan, but to dupe an elderly lady in such a heinous way, the man deserves a harsh penalty.”

“He’ll pay his dues,” Sir Malcolm assured them. “His name’s not Dr. Lowe, by the way. But that’s a story for another day.”

“Did you recover the diamond necklace?” Indy asked.

“Unfortunately, no. Disappeared into Le Triton’s fortress, and now he knows we’re on to him.”

“My lady,” said a servant, entering the room. “Lady Catherine is asking for you.”

Indy nodded. “I’ll be right there.” She squeezed Raven’s hand. “You know where to find me.”

He kissed her cheek. He didn’t care that Malcolm saw him do it. He’d kiss Indy as many times as he could for the rest of his life.

When she’d left, he turned to Malcolm. “We need to talk.”

“I know. Shall we at least find some brandy first?”

“I need coffee more.”

They climbed the stairs and found a sitting room on the main floor that had a lit fire. Raven ordered coffee and brandy from a servant.

They sat by the fire. How to begin? He had so many things to get off his chest.
