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“Gentleman, please come to order,” called Sir Malcolm.

The assembled antiquarians took their seats and quieted.

“Our esteemed Fellow, the Duke of Ravenwood, has been given permission to take the floor. Your Grace.”

Raven walked to the front of the room and stood next to Sir Malcolm’s desk. “Gentlemen, I am mounting an archaeological expedition this month in search of a priceless treasure, the nature of which I am not at liberty to divulge at the moment. I move that the society fully support this venture and agree to publish any findings. My partner in this venture will be Mr. Pomeroy.”

Indy swaggered across the room wearing those figure-hugging breeches and that ridiculous moustache. It was all he could do not to ravish her on the central table.

“Hear hear!” shouted the members.

Indy stopped in the front of the room and threw her hand into the air. “There’s only one small problem with this scenario, gentlemen. Mr. Pomeroy is a female.”

She ripped off her moustache.

Raven grinned. He’d guessed she was going to do that.

The gentleman rioted. Literally leapt from their chairs and started pounding the floor with their canes and shouting bloody murder.

“Order, order,” shouted Sir Malcolm. “What is the meaning of this, Ravenwood?”

Raven had to yell to be heard over the hubbub. “I would further move to allow the inclusion of females into the Society of Antiquaries. My fiancée, Lady India Rochester, who stands before you in male garb, has made more important discoveries than most of you in this room put together.”

If the gentlemen rioted and began to attack them, that wouldn’t be a problem. He caught Indy’s eye. They’d defend themselves handily.

“The duke has so moved,” shouted Sir Malcolm. “All in favor say aye.”

Raven said a loudayeover a deafening chorus of nays and indignant protests. He’d heard only one otheraye. He caught his friend Westbury’s eye and winked.

“I’m disappointed in you, gentlemen,” declared Indy, her voice cutting through the ruckus.

“Gentlemen, I hereby resign from the Society of Antiquaries. Please accept my letter of resignation, Sir Malcolm.”

“Resignation accepted.”

“Furthermore,” shouted Raven. “I will be accompanying Lady India on her next archaeological expedition as her assistant.”

The room fell silent for one ominous moment, and then erupted again.

“A duke as a lady’s assistant!”

“It’s anarchy.”

“What’s the world coming to?”

“It’s an outrage.

Indy grinned at him. “I think we should leave,” she mouthed.

The jeers and shouting followed them out of the room but Raven and Indy didn’t care. They clasped hands and ran out the front door, giggling like schoolchildren.

They tumbled into the street and started running.

Raven tugged her to a stop in order to back her up against a wall and kiss her.

Passersby stared in shock. He didn’t care what it looked like. He’d kiss Indy wherever and whenever he pleased, male clothing be damned!

“I’ll have you know that was a treasure hunting-kiss,” Raven growled.

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