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You want to learn him, understand him. Scratch his surface and dive beneath.

What she must do is pretend it hadn’t happened. Bury these new feelings just as deeply as the old ones. Lock up all of these questions and swallow the key.

Easier said than done.

When theObservermade its way to Paris, everyone in British society there would be asking them questions about those ridiculous, grandiose wedding plans she’d described.

She untwisted her hair from the knot her lady’s maid, Fern, had fashioned that morning. She needed to loosen something. Unravel something. Because she was wound so tightly she might snap.

She ran her fingers through her hair, scratching her scalp with her fingernails. She was the owner of this body, this mind, this heart... no one else.

It was only a game. A diversion tactic.

Their mission was real and of paramount importance for her, and for England.

Viola’s piano playing stopped abruptly and Indy heard the sound of muffled cursing.

Enough thinking. What’s done was done. They left for Paris in only a few short hours.

Indy entered the music room and ducked her head to avoid being hit by the clothbound notebook sailing through the air.

She knelt and picked it up.

“Oh I am sorry.” Viola swiveled on the piano stool. “I hope I didn’t hit you.”

Indy opened the notebook. “Symphony Number Ten in D minor, opus one twenty-six,” she read aloud. “Number Ten’s not going well?”

“Number Ten will be the death of me. Father’s hearing is worsening every day. I can’t tell precisely what he wants to convey and so I take stabs in the dark... but that’s not why I threw the notebook.”

Indy joined her by the piano. “What’s wrong?”

“I was sacked today.” Viola played a ferocious chord progression with her left hand. “Can you imagine? Sacked from the worst music teaching post in all of London. Attempting to finesse a melody from Lady Clara’s fingers was a hopeless endeavor, I assure you.”

“They let you go because she wasn’t making any progress?”

“Lord Bent sacked me because he pinched me on the bum when no one was looking, as he’s done so many times before, and something in me just snapped. I couldn’t stand there in silence anymore, so I let him know in no uncertain terms that I was not a lump of dough to be pinched and that if he didn’t keep his hands to himself I’d be forced to use mine to slap him.”

“I suppose that didn’t go over very well.”

Viola’s face fell. “I don’t know what I’ll do. It was a well-paid position. I’m a fool.”

“No you’re not.” Indy put her arm around Viola’s shoulders. “I should go over to his house and put my knife to his throat and see how he likes being at a power disadvantage.”

“He would deserve that. Loathsome creature.”

“You’ll find another position. I’ll ask my brother if any of his friends could use the best music instructor in all of England.”

“Thank you.” Viola smiled. “And thank you for letting me use your piano. This is such a pleasure to play.” Her fingers caressed the gleaming ivory keys, teasing out a lilting melody.

Indy’s lady’s maid, Fern, entered carrying a tea tray and set it on the table. “All your things are ready for Paris, my lady.”

“Wonderful. Have a lovely time with your family while I’m away.”

“Thank you, my lady. I do appreciate the extra time.” Fern bobbed a curtsy and left.

“Paris?” asked Viola.

“I had a trying day as well,” said Indy.
