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The wrong word. The wrong gesture.

“This is your marriage contract.” He ripped the document from top to bottom and threw it in the fire.

She ran to the hearth but the flames were already consuming the paper. “Why did you do that?” The words escaped from her lips before she could bring them to heel.

“I forced Ravenwood to agree to the match by uncovering his secrets. Now his secrets have ruined him, and I’ll have no part of it.”

“I don’t understand.” She’d always thought their fathers had arranged the match because they wanted to ally their families and fortunes. She hadn’t raised any objection because she wanted to marry Daniel. And he wanted to marry her.

The duke poured more brandy and swallowed it in one gulp. “Ravenwood is dead. There are rumors he’s being charged with High Treason. Sir Malcolm said nothing was certain, but I know the truth. Ravenwood’s a filthy traitor who’s been aiding our sovereign’s enemies.”

“It’s not true.” She backed away from the hearth. “Rumors can be proven false.”

“Or they can be proven true. He may be dead, but if he’s found guilty of treason, his lands and estates could be forfeit and his son won’t inherit a penny. Though there hasn’t been such a bill of attainder in more than a decade, I’m not taking any chances. You must marry into a wealthy and powerful family.”

“I don’t care if he’s penniless and has no property.” They might argue, and fight from time to time, but Daniel was her best friend in the world.

Her only friend.

And now his good, kind father was dead. Oh poor Daniel. She must go to him. Comfort him.

“I care,” said her father with a smirk. “You’ll marry a rich lord and soon. Shouldn’t be difficult to find an elderly lord who will pay a high price to reinvigorate himself with a child bride.” His short bark of laughter was mirthless and hollow.

Her body felt brittle, as though it were made of glass, and her mouth was so dry she couldn’t swallow. All she could think of was that she needed to run away.

Run to Daniel.

She wasn’t a prize calf to be sold to the highest bidder.

Her father lurched out of his chair and she took a step backward.

“Best to marry you off early before you give it away to a stable hand.” His gaze traveled to his wife. “You have your mother’s wanton eyes.”

“I’m going to marry Daniel,” she blurted, even though she knew she shouldn’t cross her father.

He stalked toward her.

She stood her ground.

“You’ll marry whom I say you’ll marry,” he said coldly. “You were born for my profit. I gave you that name to bring me luck and I’ve had nothing but ill fortune ever since. Now apologize for your insolence.”

She’d heard it all too many times. Forced to stand at attendance while he railed against the fates. He’d named her India to bring him luck on an overseas investment scheme, which had all gone to hell, and it would have been better if she’d never been born, and she was a rude, ill-tempered child and...

“I told you to apologize,” he said, his eyes narrowing.

He slapped her across the cheek. Not a forceful blow, just a warning volley, but tears sprang to her eyes and red dots danced in front of her vision.

Not waiting for permission to leave, she ran out of the study, avoiding her mother’s startled protests. She didn’t stop running until she burst out of the house and sprinted across the courtyard to the mews. Daniel’s horse, Jupiter, was still in the stables but he was already saddled and ready to leave.

“I’m to ride Jupiter to Hartfield House,” she announced to Old Gregory, the stable master. “And don’t change the saddle. I’ll ride astride.” She was never sitting sidesaddle again.

She didn’t want to be a lady. A pawn in her father’s schemes.

She never wanted to see him again.

From this day forward she’d strike out on her own. Not Lady India, but Daniel’s Indy, his partner on life’s grand adventure. She would go anywhere with him. She could face anything with him at her side.

Old Gregory opened his mouth to protest but then he stared at her face. His expression darkened. “He’s hitting you too now, is he, my little lady?”
