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Don’t be foolish. All she knows is that you have a few scars. Laugh it off.

He released her wrist and sat up. “I knew the whisky would make you want to seduce me. I didn’t know it would be while I slept.”

She clasped her hands in her lap. “You called out in your sleep. You were having a nightmare. Are you feeling well?”

He’d been dreaming about Athens again.

“Quite well.” He buttoned his shirt. “Did you rip open my shirt?” he asked incredulously, realizing that the top button was missing.

“Of course not!” She searched the seat cushion for the missing button. “You must have torn open your shirt while you slept.”

“Are you sure about that?” he asked, just to needle her. “Perhaps I should have brought a chaperone.”

“Quite sure. Your shirt was hanging open when I approached. I... was checking to see if you were feverish.” She glanced at him from under her lashes. “How did you come by those scars? The one near your heart is still quite fresh. I thought you were lounging on the beach in Greece last month.”

Damn.He betrayed nothing. “Duel with a jealous husband,” he lied.

“I didn’t hear about any duels.”

“We kept it quiet.”

“It’s difficult to keep such matters quiet.”

“Not so difficult abroad. I bribed the various parties to stay silent.”

“And the ridged scars on your abdomen? Are they knife slashes?”

“You certainly had a good feel, didn’t you? Next time wake me up first so I can at least enjoy it as well.”

“I didn’t mean to... touch you. I...”

“Your hands strayed of their own accord.”

“I told you, I was seeing if you had a fever. And then I found that knot of scar tissue. Tell me how you received the wound.”

“I did tell you.”

“And I’m not satisfied with your answer. I think there’s a story behind these wounds. I’m an archaeologist and a historian. I like digging for answers. I’ll discover your secrets eventually, if I put my mind to it.”

This entire conversation must be put to an immediate halt. He’d do whatever it took to stop her inquisitive mind from probing any further.

There was enough attraction between them to set this carriage on fire. Her fingers on his chest had disarmed him completely.

He could only think of one way to divert the conversation, and that was by doing the thing he wanted to do most.

When an enemy discovers a vulnerability, eliminate that weakness. Shore up your defenses. Go on the attack.

“Why don’t you just tell me the truth?” she asked.

“Because I’d rather do this.” He drew closer to her and kissed her neck. “And this.” He kissed the corner of her mouth.

She responded by turning her mouth and kissing him full on the lips. He answered by parting her lips with his tongue and delving inside her mouth with confident strokes.

The arguments, the rivalry, all of his shadows and secrets and her indomitable pride. Their tangled past. The hurt and the betrayal.

If he could, he would kiss it all away.

She was meant to be adored and treasured. Pull her close, don’t push her away.
