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She rolled up the map and stuck the list of suspects down her bodice.

His door was literally five steps from hers. Five confident, purposeful steps.

A business meeting between two professional colleagues with the same goal, nothing more.

The door was ajar. She knocked loudly and pushed it open.

She stopped cold.

Turn around. You’re not equipped for this.

Raven lounged in a chair by the fireplace in only trousers and a shirt. No boots. No coat.

His shirt hung open, exposing his neck and a breathtaking view of his upper chest.

Firelight glinting in copper eyes. Shadows playing across the delineated muscles of his chest.

Just like in her dreams, but even more beautiful.

She swallowed.

“What’s this?” he asked with the devilish grin that used to melt her heart. “I didn’t ask for a curvaceous lady with amethyst eyes to be delivered to my chamber.”

“And I didn’t expect to find a half-clothed rogue waiting for me,” she said indignantly.

Chapter 15

Raven stretched his arms over his head and cradled the back of his neck with interlaced fingers.

He didn’t have to hide the scars on his chest because she’d already seen them.

“I thought you were Sir Charles’s valet bringing my formal attire for tomorrow’s diplomatic event.”

“There’s a chill in the air, Raven.” Her gaze lingered on his chest. “You should be wearing more clothing.”

“That’s why I’m sitting by the fire. No point in dressing when he’ll only undress me.”

The heat in her eyes made his stomach muscles clench.

The way she stared made him want to give her a better show. He flexed his pectorals and her gaze intensified.

“Don’t you have a night robe?” She stopped staring at his chest and searched the room. “Ah ha! I see one there. Do put it on.”

He grinned. “Why, are you going to ravish me?”

“Certainly not. I’m here for a meeting between colleagues on a shared mission, and it won’t be much of a professional meeting if one of the participants is practically naked.”

“The valet could come at any moment. Do you really want to be caught in my room?”

She closed the door. “I’ll hide if anyone comes.”

He stood. “Can we make this a breakfast meeting?”

“No we cannot.” She unrolled the map she carried and spread it out on a table, weighting the edges with books she found on a shelf. “I don’t want to be teamed with you any more than you want to be teamed with me, but we must develop a plan of attack. In tandem.”

“In tandem implies that one of us will be in front of the other.”

“Together, then,” she said impatiently, touching the simple knot of hair at the nape of her neck. “As equal partners.”
