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She wanted to cradle his head against her breast as he came apart in her arms.

She nudged her hips against him, feeling her softness and wetness yield around the outline of his hard male sex through the fabric of his undergarment.

She moved a little harder, experimentally.

He eased backward, allowing her more access to his body. She parted her thighs and shaped herself around him, rubbing shamelessly back and forth, enjoying the sensation of his hardness sliding against her sensitive flesh.

When he caught her hips in his hands and stilled her movements, she let out a small, frustrated moan.

“Indy,” he said, gazing into her eyes. “What are we doing?”

“I think perhaps there’s an attraction between us.”

He grinned. “Do you think so?”

“I have a theory. It’s like an itch I must scratch. It’s like... well, I think it’s like the first time I had escargot in a French restaurant and it was brought to the table with great pride, as the most decadent of delicacies, all smothered in butter, and everyone was oohing and aahing. I took a few bites and realized that escargot was definitely not my cup of tea. I couldn’t get past the thought that until recently those snails had been crawling and oozing along the ground.”

He stroked her hair back from her cheek. “Uh... what are you saying exactly? I’m not following you. What am I in this story—the slimy distasteful mollusk?”

She laughed. “Yes.”

“I don’t like this analogy.”

“Once I sampled the snails I had no further curiosity about them. I prefer a nice haunch of beef.”



“This restaurant’s closed. Time for bed. Separate beds.” He lifted her shift, attempting to put her arms back through arm holes.

“I don’t want to be so damnably obsessed with you anymore, Raven,” she blurted. “I need to sample you to get you out of my system for good.”

He stilled. “If you’re suggesting what I think you’re suggesting, we can’t. I won’t. I mean to say that I don’t think it would be right to take this any further. You’ve proven your skill as a seductress. You won this round.”

“Then why do I feel as though I was the one who surrendered?”

“You didn’t surrender, you gave me a gift. I loved making you come—it made me feel powerful.”

“I want to know that feeling of power.” She rolled on top of him, flattening his torso to the hearth rug with the palms of her hands. “I want to make you come.”

She dipped her head and kissed his nipples, as he’d kissed hers, using her tongue to tease them into hard little peaks.

What would it feel like to brush her sensitive nipples against his? She tested the motion, supporting her weight with her palms and gliding the tips of her breasts over his chest.

“Indy,” he moaned. She’d never heard that voice before. It trembled slightly and the tremor gave her a rush of satisfaction.

Not so impervious. Not completely made of stone.

She shook her long hair over the hills and valleys of his muscular torso, swirling the ends of her hair against his flesh. He seemed to like it, because his hands curled into fists.

He was slack-jawed, watching her every motion with a hungry expression.

She loved this feeling of power.

She was drunk on controlling his responses. She slid down his thighs, trailing her hair along his taut abdomen and lower, over his cock.

He had a very nice cock. Long and thick and hard as iron. She ringed his cock with her fist.
