Page 110 of One Fine Duke

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“Or truly desperate for grandchildren.”

The duchess walked down the front steps. “I still don’t see why you must cut your Season so short, Beatrice.”

“Mama, I’m a wallflower, you know that. No one will miss me.”

“I’ll miss you.” Her mother sniffed.

“I do hope your decision is made swiftly, MissPenny.” The duchess caught Mina’s eye with a decidedly frosty expression.

What had Drew told her? Mina nodded noncommittally.

“Ladies, it’s a fine day for traveling,” said Drew, appearing from behind his sturdy workhorse of a carriage. No gilded insignia or high-sprung wheels for him.

He wasn’t flash... he was substance.

Substantial. Solid. Made of strong, durable material.

He was dressed for traveling in tall, worn black leather boots, buckskin trousers that hugged his muscular thighs, and a plain blue serge coat.

He handed Beatrice into the carriage first and Mina waited as she arranged her books and pillows to her satisfaction.

Drew’s hand rested on her lower back, a casual gesture of possessiveness that sent a silent thrill through her body. She wanted to touch him in return but they had an audience.

And they weren’t supposed to indulge in any more physical intimacy.

His mother noticed the gesture and a smile spread across her round face, lighting her hazel eyes with warmth.

“Do be careful on the road, Andrew,” the duchess said. “You have very precious cargo.”

“I know it,” said Drew. He bent to give his mother a peck on the cheek.

His manservant arrived with the wicker luncheon basket and Beatrice found a place for it inside the carriage.

“The preparations are complete, Your Grace,” said Corbyn.

“Is everything settled with Inspector Langley?” Mina asked Drew in a whisper.

“He’s already departed in a stagecoach with four trusted officers.”

The matched quartet of bay horses stamped their hooves, eager to leave.

“MissPenny.” Drew held out his hand. “Are you ready for an adventure?”

She placed her hand inside his palm. The instant frisson of awareness chased through her body, setting her nerves tingling.

His eyes held a flickering flame the color of sunflowers in shadow. An answering flame lit in her heart.

“Always, Your Grace.”


Drew massaged his neck, soaking in the tub filled with hot water. He was stiff and sore from sitting for so long. The journey on the great mail coach road from London to Falmouth had passed swiftly in a blur of long hours sitting in the carriage, hasty meals at coaching inns while the horses were being changed, and restless bouts of sleep.

They’d stopped for the night at the White Hart in Launceston. They’d reach Thornhill by the next afternoon, leave Beatrice at the house, and be in Falmouth before sundown.

Inspector Langley had left before them in a hired stagecoach that would travel even more swiftly. He would reach Falmouth a half day before they would.

Drew thought about Rafe making plans to confront a ship filled with smugglers and his throat constricted. It was difficult to maintain an outward show of calm when he knew the dangers they were riding toward.
