Page 121 of One Fine Duke

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“Go have your tour, I’m sure it’s just like any other town. There’s a cathedral and a harbor.” Beatrice rolled up her sleeves. “I want to delve into these shelves.”

“Then I’ll leave you to it.”

“Mina,” called Beatrice.


“Please be careful.”

“Is Falmouth so dangerous?” asked Mina with a laugh.

“You know what I mean. I’m not dense. I know there’s a reason you and Drew came here and it has something to do with Rafe and his troubles. I don’t need to know the extent of it. You have your reasons for keeping me in the dark, but what can I do to help?”

Of course she’d guessed the true reason for coming here. “We’ll bring Lord Rafe home safely.”

“See that you do. I rather like him, even though he’s a giant pain in the arse most of the time.”

They’d bring him home unharmed. They’d all arrive safe and sound.

Mina wasn’t going to imagine any other possibility.

Several hours later, they gathered around a table in a private dining room at Pierce’s Royal Hotel in Falmouth. Mina’s palms were sweating and her pulse raced. It was finally happening.

The man she’d hated her entire life, the monster who had stolen her parents from her, was here. She was going to meet him.

She was going to mete out justice.

Drew introduced Inspector Langley, a handsome young man with luxuriant whiskers, wearing a blue coat and a tall black hat.

“We have to move swiftly, Your Grace,” Inspector Langley said. “Le Triton’s ship dropped anchor three hours ago in this sheltered cove.” He pointed at the map.

“A popular location for smugglers,” Drew said.

“They won’t unload the cargo until nightfall but we don’t want your man to get away. I’ve stationed my officers to watch and see if he tries to escape. One thing—your brother, Lord Rafe.”

“Yes? What is it?” asked Drew.

“He’s on board the ship.”

“They captured him?” Mina asked. This was bad.

“Not exactly. My men tell me that he came riding out to meet the ship with a lady by his side. They walked on board and haven’t been seen since.”

Mina and Drew exchanged a look. “Olivia Lachance,” they said in unison.

“Rafe is pretending to be on Le Triton’s side,” Drew explained. “It’s risky—one man taking on a whole ship filled with smugglers.”

“He’ll have a plan,” Mina insisted. “He may have hired men in town who will meet him under cover of night. Or he’ll ambush Le Triton while he’s sleeping, drag him away by himself and hold him hostage.”

“I hope he has a better plan than that,” Drew replied grimly.

“Le Triton has only three fingers on one hand,” Mina said. “That’s how you’ll know him, Inspector Langley. You’ll be able to bring him to London to stand trial for the theft of the Wish Diamond, among other crimes. The Duke of Ravenwood will testify against him.”

“Is there anything else we should know about him?” asked Langley.

“He carries knives on his person. At least five concealed blades and razors—his weapons of choice. He has deadly aim.”

Knives that had killed her parents, she’d learned from reading Sir Malcolm’s secret files. The blades marked with a golden trident.
