Page 56 of One Fine Duke

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“When I was ten, though we were never close. They were always traveling. I made a vow that if I have a daughter someday, I’ll spend more time with her. I won’t withhold my time or my affections.”

“The death of both of your parents could have made you bitter, but instead you made a resolution to be more affectionate and loving.” Lady Beatrice lifted a finger. “See? A bright outlook on life.”

Mina smiled at her. “Why do I feel as though I’m being interviewed?”

Lady Beatrice chuckled appreciatively. “Because youarebeing interviewed. I consider you to be the leading candidate for the position of Duchess of Thorndon, and my future sister-in-law. Drew told me that he hopes to choose a bride quickly in order to return home for the harvest, and so I offered to assist him in his endeavor.”

“Ah. I hate to disappoint you but Thorndon and I are opposed in both temperament and prospects. He’s brooding where I’m boisterous. He prefers the countryside of Cornwall, while I belong in the beating heart of London. He is—”

“I know, you already told me, it was loathing at first sight for both of you. But it does seem, at least in the novels I read, that sometimes the people one loathes at first can become the most attractive after further acquaintance.”

“You’ve been reading MissAusten.”

“I adore her books. After I complete my etymological dictionary, I plan to write a study of female authors. I shall have a whole chapter dedicated to her works. It’s so sad that she died so young. I often wonder what fantastic heights her career could have risen to if she’d only been allowed more time on this earth.”

“Have you thought about writing novels yourself?” asked Mina.

“Never. Mine is a didactic mind, one that parses and interprets and never delves into the realm of the heart.”

“You’re proving my point about the goals of young ladies, Lady Beatrice.”

“Please call me Beatrice, won’t you? I’m only a few years younger than you, I believe, and I hope we may become best friends.”

“I’d like that very much. And please call me Mina.”

They smiled at each other. Mina did hope that they could become friends. She’d never had a best friend before.

“There’s something very fearless about you, Mina. When you walk into a room it’s as though a breeze comes in with you lifting everyone’s spirits and making things seem a little more alive.”

“Thank you. You make me want to read more books and expand my vocabulary.”

“People are so incurious. They don’t want to know where the words they use come from, they just learn a limited number and use them over and over. I want to expand and waken people’s minds.”

“What does Lord Rafe think about your literary scholarship?” Mina asked.

“He doesn’t even know about it. My brother’s too inebriated half the time to remember his own name.”

“Has Lord Rafe appeared different to you of late?”

“Different, how so?”

“Has he spoken about taking a journey?”

“He never confides in me. We barely speak to each other. He’s just coming home from his nights of vice and debauchery as I’m rising for the day.”

“Have his servants expressed any concerns about any mishaps or troubles he may have?”

“Drew told me about the note, Mina.”

“He did?” He hadn’t mentioned that last night, but she was glad that he’d taken his sister into his confidence.

“I’m aware that Rafe might be in some predicament,” Beatrice continued. “I even talked to the servants and no one had anything of import to confess.”

“Does the threat of kidnapping frighten you? My uncle told me that your brother was kidnapped as a boy.”

“It’s because of his past that Drew is taking this business so personally. He’s vowed to protect me. Which is more than I can say of Rafe.” Beatrice clicked her tongue. “I do sincerely hope that you’re not still thinking about attempting to reform him. That’s where optimism would become sheer folly.”

“I’m not,” Mina hastened to assure her. “Don’t you believe rakes can be reformed? I heard that Thorndon used to be a rogue.”

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