Page 80 of One Fine Duke

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Her mother had killed an enemy during the war. It had been kill or be killed.

Could Mina become that person? And if she couldn’t become tough and hard, then who would she become? The thought sent panic spiraling through her mind. She’d been so focused on one idea: becoming a spy like her mother.

The tree branches above her swayed in a sudden wind like grasping fingers.

She couldn’t be afraid. She simply couldn’t. If she were scared of danger, then the entire premise of her future would collapse as easily as a stack of cards.

Her reticule fell to the ground. She leaned her head back against the tree trunk. The air was cool but there wasn’t enough of it in her lungs and her cheeks felt hot.

She undid the buttons of her pelisse. Where was Drew? Why hadn’t he come back yet?

A fresh surge of fear swamped her mind until Drew entered the grove of trees.

She’d never been so happy to see someone in her life. He was tall and strong. Her accomplice. She didn’t have to do this alone.

“Drew,” she said, and wrapped her arms around him. “You’re here.”

“Where else would I be?”

She buried her face in his coat, trying to calm her breathing. She couldn’t admit her fears to him.

“Mina, are you all right?” He lifted her chin. “Are you hurt?”

“No, no,” she said. “Only a little bit shaken.”

“You were so brave. I can’t believe you did that.”

“Where did he go?”

“He didn’t talk to anyone. Left by the main gate and boarded an ordinary ferry. No one joined him. I think he was alone.”

“He’s not the extortionist, only a hireling. And a rough one, at that. I could smell the ill will on him. He would have harmed me if he could. The man who hired him isn’t evil.”

“And yet he hired evil to deliver his message.”

She handed him the paper.

“Olivia Lachance, of the Princess Eve,” he read. “A business establishment? We have a name and that’s what matters. I’ll soon discover where to find this Lachance woman.”

Another piece of the puzzle. “Mina.” He caught her eye. “You were wonderful. The way you threatened him with that pistol. You controlled him.”

“Did you doubt me?”

“I doubted myself for putting you in danger. If anything had happened...”

“But you trusted me.”

“I trustedus, but accidents happen. Mina, if anything had happened.” He framed her face with his hands. “I would never have forgiven myself.”

“Seems to me there are lots of things you’ve never forgiven yourself for, and this will be one of them.”

“Putting you in danger.”

“No, not that.” She smiled. “You’ll never forgive yourself for kissing me again.”

He groaned. Pressed his forehead to hers. “Mina.” He couldn’t stop saying her name. He loved the way it sounded. Mina.

So close tomine.
