Page 93 of One Fine Duke

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Mina had always wanted to meet the unconventional and powerful Duchess of Ravenwood, but she’d have to wait for another chance.

“Fern, we have a new initiate today,” Beatrice told the maid.

“Very good, my lady. I’ll fetch the committee registry.” Fern bobbed a curtsy and left.

“Beatrice,” cried a petite woman with bright green eyes. She jumped up from her chair, sending balls of yarn tumbling onto the carpet, and ran to embrace Lady Beatrice.

“Viola.” Beatrice bore the embrace stoically, and Mina could tell she didn’t like to be hugged.

“And who’s this?” Viola turned to Mina. “A new recruit?”

“MissWilhelmina Penny, may I present MissViola Beaton.”

“It’s very nice to meet you, MissPenny,” MissBeaton grabbed her hand. “We’ll have some tea and a long chat.” She pulled Mina toward an armchair.

“I’m afraid I don’t know how to knit. I’m dreadfully sorry,” Mina said.

Several of the ladies chuckled.

“That’s quite all right,” replied Miss Beaton. “None of us knows how to knit. Well, that’s not quite true. MissFinchley knit all of these coverlets. Which truly are used for cover.” She giggled.

There was some joke here that Mina wasn’t getting. “Ah. How nice.” She nodded at MissFinchley, a brunette who lived up to her name by darting an amused glance at them and hopping to her feet to pour Mina a cup of tea.

She handed Mina the teacup. All of the ladies leaned in to watch her.

“Very fine weather we’re having,” said Mina.

“Drink your tea,” whispered Beatrice.

The ladies were acting very strange. If she didn’t know better, she might think they were slightly... inebriated. Their eyes were bright, their laughter ready, and there was a general air of merriment in the room.

Mina took a sip of tea and nearly choked as the liquid burned her throat. And not because it was hot. “She sniffed the contents of her cup. “This tea is laced with brandy.” She knew the stuff now. She’d rather developed a taste for it.

“And this isn’t a knitting league,” said Beatrice.

“It’s not?” Mina glanced at all of the balls of yarn.

“First, let me make the introductions,” said Beatrice. “We’re a small group today, as several members couldn’t join us. You’ve met Viola Beaton, and Ardella Finchley, and this is MissIsobel Mayberry.”

“Very pleased to make your acquaintance,” said MissMayberry, her brown eyes twinkling.

“So what are you, if not a group of knitters?” Mina asked.

“Each of us has talents and ambitions beyond those ordinary for females,” said MissMayberry.

“We’re professional-minded ladies.” MissFinchley’s hands moved as she spoke, a fluttering accompaniment to her words. “I like to knit, but I’m also a chemist.”

“Wait...” Mina glanced at Beatrice. “Is this the organization you mentioned to me at the ball? The secret society of professional ladies?”

“This is it,” said Beatrice proudly. “I’m very excited to introduce you. Ladies.” Beatrice stood up. “MissPenny is an expert in improvised weaponry for the purposes of defense.”

How did Beatrice know that? Mina had never told her about her skills.

“Are you surprised that I know, Mina?” asked Beatrice.

“We know all about you,” said MissBeaton. “You’re quite legendary. When Beatrice told me that you were in London I couldn’t wait to meet you. It was your unusual timepiece that helped the Duke and Duchess of Ravenwood escape from their captors in Paris. I heard all about it from the duchess.”

How much did they know? Mina couldn’t imagine that the duchess had revealed the truth about her husband’s past life as one of Sir Malcolm’s spies.
