Page 121 of Duke Most Wicked

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“And you’ve been seething with fury ever since. Venting your hatred for me on first Blanche, stringing her along for years, then slandering her, and now Belinda.”

“They got what you deserved.”

“Good heavens, man, I don’t even remember that night.”

“Is that supposed to make me feel better? Someone has to put you in your place. You can’t just run around London stealing mistresses and giving the nobility a bad name.”

“I shouldn’t have stolen your mistress. I probably didn’t even know she was yours. And you’re right. I’ve done too many wicked, thoughtless deeds. But no more. I’m reformed. And I won’t be challenging you to a duel tonight.”


“But you might still die.”

“Even you wouldn’t kill me in cold blood while I’m being held here against my will.”

“Oh, wouldn’t I?” West caught him by the collar and hauled him to his feet.

“You... you wouldn’t dare.” Laxton tried to break free but West held him immobile.

“This establishment is owned by a dear friend of mine with a very creative mind. I’m sure we could find a way to make it look like an accident.” West released him and shoved him back into his chair. “As much as it pains me to say it, you’re not going to die tonight, Laxton. Instead, you’re going to be engaged.”

“Pardon? I won’t marry Belinda, if that’s what you’re insinuating.”

“Not Belinda. Miss Phoebe Trowbridge.”

Laxton quailed. “How did you...?”

“I have contacts in the underworld. We’ve been searching for information on you and we finally found it. You’ve done this before. You abductedMiss Trowbridge four years ago but that occasion was more successful. She went with you willingly, assuming she would become Lady Laxton. Instead, she was left with a babe on the way and no husband.”

“The chit has no proof.”

“I have proof. A signed testimony from Miss Trowbridge, witnesses who saw you leave together, and a signed statement from the innkeeper where the vile deed was done. You’re going to marry Miss Trowbridge. She has no father, brother, or protector who could have forced you at the time. Now she has me.”

“I can’t marry her. She’s beneath my station.”

“You should have thought of that before you ruined the girl and left her bereft and with a babe on the way. A child who looks exactly like you, as I’m told. I’ll expose you publicly if you don’t marry her. You’ll be a good and devoted husband. You’ll hear from me and my associates if you aren’t.”

“This is blackmail.”

West shrugged. “I call it justice. You didn’t think you were going to get away with it twice, did you?”

“I thought you’d challenge me to a duel. Any true gentleman would have.”

“I’m not a true gentleman. I’m Wicked Westbury.”

There was a knock at the door. West opened it.

“Leave him here,” Jax said. “I’ll finish things up. My men will enforce the engagement and the marriage. Miss Trowbridge is waiting at a hotel.We’ll take him out the back way so he can’t make a scene. Go home to your family.”

Outside the room, West clasped his friend’s hand. “Thank you, Jax. Viola will be so pleased that I found a way to teach Laxton his lesson with no bloodshed. I owe you a debt.”

“You paid for half of the renovation of this building with your gambling losses, Westbury. You don’t owe me anything. How is Viola, by the way? She did look ravishing in that red gown.”

“I proposed to her.”

“Good for you!”

“She turned me down.”
