Page 7 of Duke Most Wicked

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“Steady on, old friend,” Rafe said in a low voice.

“Did you hear what he said?” West asked hotly. “I have to kill him.”

“He’s obviously lying.”

“Of course he’s lying, trying to puff himself up, but those men don’t know it.” It was a shameful double standard, but it was the way of the world. Men could and indeed were expected to indulge in carnal, animalistic pursuits while a young lady must remain pure as the driven snow and unimpeachably virtuous. Even a hint of scandal could ruin his sister forever. “I’m going to make him retract it. Let me go!” He tried to twist away but Rafe applied enough pressure to his throat to make him cough. “Release me so I can murder Laxton,” he croaked.

“I don’t want you to do anything rash.”

“He’s shaming my sister.”

“It won’t help your sisters if you get yourself killed in a duel.”

“Maybe they’d be better off without me.”

“Stop saying that. Your sisters love you.”

“And I care about them and that’s why I’m going in there to defend their honor.”

“And the younger sister,” said Laxton in an insinuating tone. “Not Bernadette, the bluestocking, I’m speaking of Miss Belinda. She’s as lush and libidinous as Blanche. And dreadfully indiscreet. I heard something about an amorous tryst in the park yesterday. With no dowries to speak of, and a brother who’s the worst wastrel in London, those girls will be lucky to receive even one offer.”

“That’s it!” West broke Rafe’s hold. “That miscreant is slandering my sisters. I’ll make him beg for mercy!”

“Your choice.” Rafe shrugged. “Just think about it. If you charge in there and challenge him to a duel think about how much worse the situation will be for your sisters. The gossip alone would ruin them. Everyone would want to know what slight or insult had been alleged. A duel would cause an even greater scandal and draw more attention to your sisters.”

“Damn it, Rafe! Stop being right. I can’t just stand here and do nothing.” His entire body coiled tight with fury. “I have to defend them.”

“There are other ways of silencing Laxton. Trust me, it will be far more satisfying to devisesome method of retaliation where Laxton not only suffers, but Lady Blanche is elevated in the eyes of society.”

“I can’t sodding believe this,” West muttered. “I can’t even defend my sisters’ honor without tarnishing them more than I already have. This is a damned nightmare.”

“Let’s leave,” Rafe said gently.

“This isn’t over by half. I’ll have my revenge on that libelous snake.”

Rafe nodded. “And I’ll help.”

West stomped out of the club, still seething. “I can’t tell Blanche what I overheard. It would devastate her. But I can’t let Laxton’s words go unpunished. He’s going to wish he’d never been born when I’m through with him.”

“Think strategically.”

“I can’t think at all because someone broke a bottle over my head last night and then my best friend finished the job and put me down for the count.”

“The damage to your head was done long before I planted my fist. You’re poisoning yourself, West. And now that poison is spreading to your sisters. They deserve to make their own mistakes in life, not pay for yours.”

“I know.” West jammed his hat down lower on his head, ignoring the pain from his multiple bruises.

“Now don’t bite my head off, but do you think there could be any truth to what Laxton said about Belinda having an amorous tryst? Not that it would excuse his execrable slander.”

“Absolutely not. They have a strict governess, dozens of maids, and an overabundance of aunts watching over them. They’re never alone. Laxton was telling tales.”

He thought about the last time he’d spoken with his sisters. They’d been assembled in the conservatory with their music teacher. “Oh, come to think of it, the governess quit her post unexpectedly. I’m sure my housekeeper has advertised for another. In the meantime, the girls are very devoted to their music instructor, Miss Beaton, who’s also a sort of companion for them. She’s a sweet-natured, dimpled thing, though she’s a member of that infernal virago club that your brother’s wife patronizes.”

“The Boadicea Club on the Strand.”

“I warned her not to fill my sisters’ heads with incendiary ideas.”

Miss Beaton had already filled his mind with incendiary images. They’d collided in the hallway on one memorable occasion and the feel of her petite curves pressed against him had fueled his fantasies for months.
