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Even so, she couldn’t hold back a few sniffles. Gratitude, vulnerability, and love were all mixed in one confusing, glorious mess, and she’d need more than a few minutes to sort it out. She’d probably need a lifetime—a lifetime with Royal, she hoped.

He caressed her shoulders, his touch warm and gentle. She felt him shift a bit, and his mouth brushed the top of her ear.

“All right, love?” he murmured.

She rubbed her face against the soft linen of his nightshirt, drying her tears and feeling more than slightly embarrassed by her overwrought reaction. The last thing her poor husband needed was a hysterical wife who came apart at the seams whenever he touched her.

“I’m very well, thank you,” she said, mustering a smile. “Although I’m acting rather like a foolish chit, aren’t I? I suspect I’ve ruined your shirt.”

His malachite gaze glittered with banked passion, but his smile was tender and so loving that it threatened to bring more tears to her eyes.

Stop being a watering pot.

“You can ruin all my shirts, especially if it gets you into my bed.” He passed a thumb over her cheek, catching a stray tear. “But you’re sure I didn’t hurt you or upset you in any way?”

“You mean you couldn’t tell? I would think it quite obvious what just happened to me.”

He flashed a rather smug grin. “Yes, I was aware of that part of the business, but I’m not used to you crying. You hardly ever cry. Twice in one night is disconcerting, to say the least.”

Ainsley patted his chest. “Just like a man. Runs at the first sight of tears.”

He pulled her closer. “Do I look like I’m running?”

The evidence of his arousal was still apparent. “Thankfully, no,” she said with a choked laugh.

“Good.” His smile faded as he tipped up her chin. “But tell me why you’re crying.”

“It’s nothing to worry about, dearest. I was simply a little overwhelmed by the emotion of the moment. You have to admit it’s something of a milestone—for both of us.”

He tenderly cupped her cheek. “One I am most happy to have achieved with you, my dearest heart.”

She couldn’t resist wriggling against him and had to suppress a smile of glee when he sucked in a breath.

“It’s only a partial milestone,” she said, “given the state you’re in.”

He kissed the tip of her nose. “I don’t mind in the least. I simply want you to be happy and enjoy yourself.”

“But I want you to be happy, too.”

“I am happy, Ainsley. With you in my arms, I could wish for nothing more.”

Again, she lifted a brow. “Really?”

“Well, obviously I could wish for something more, but I’m willing to wait.”

“I’m not. I want us to be happy together.”

He lowered his head to study her face. “I’m assuming thathappy togetheris not some vague euphemism?”

“You really are a bit dense at times. I’m talking about sex.”

When he continued to regard her with a degree of skepticism, Ainsley decided it was time for a little challenge—and before her nervesdidget the better of her. “If, that is, you’re up to it.”

He laughed. “Is that a dare? Because it’s one I’m perfectly capable of meeting.”

“Good, because—oh, drat. Would that hurt your leg? Maybe we’d better not. You might strain it.”

“Wife, I’m more than capable of having sex with you without using my leg.”
