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“Because I want you to listen to me and truly understand what I’m saying.”

His gaze softened. “Love, I always listen to you.”

“You do, but sometimes you don’t hear what I’m saying. You hear what you think I’m saying.”

“Now you’ve lost me.”

“Then let me explain in terms you might understand. It’s midnight, everyone else is in bed, and I’ve snuck into your room dressed only in my nightclothes.”

“There wasn’t much sneaking. Barging in would be more accurate.”

“Stop quibbling,” she said, tugging again on his whiskers.

The laugh lines deepened around his eyes. “My apologies, wife. So, you’re saying that you crept into my bedroom because you want me to seduce you?”

“No, becauseIwant to seduceyou.”

His lips curled up in a slow smile. “Even better. I’m quite fond of nubile young women trying to seduce me, especially when I’m married to them.”

“As I mentioned in our last encounter of this nature, there are to be no more nubile young women but me. Not ever. Are we agreed?”

“Love, you’re almost more nubile than I can manage. Any more and I’d likely perish on the spot.”

“Dear me, is that a compliment? If so, it’s a rather obscure one.”

“Then allow me to show you exactly what I’m thinking.” He stroked her neck, brushing aside the triple layers of lace flowing down from her collar. “Good God. How am I to find you under all this fabric? It’s worse than a dandy’s cravat.”

Ainsley was too busy shivering at the play of his fingers over her collarbone to giggle. He reached for the ribbon that tied shut the top of her wrapper, tugging on it and slowly slipping it free of its knot.

“I’m sure you’ll manage just fine,” she said in a breathless voice.

His hand stilled. “Are you still seducing me, or is it now the other way around?”

Exasperated, she batted his hand away. “Royal, I’m beginning to think you don’t want me in your bed after all.”

He took her hand and pressed it over his heart. Underneath the fine weave of his shirt, she could feel its hard thump.

“Ainsley, you are my heart,” he said. “I want you so much I can hardly breathe.”

“Then why are you acting like a virgin on her—or his—wedding night?”

“Because this is turning out to be our wedding night—our real wedding night. So, yes, I’m a little nervous.”

She stretched up and kissed his cheek, her tongue slipping out to taste his faintly salty, bristled skin.

“Don’t be,” she whispered as she kissed her way along the slashing line of his jaw. “I promise to be gentle.”

She felt the husky rumble of his laugh as she caressed his chest. But then he curled his fingers around her shoulders, pushing her back a few inches.

“Now what?” she yelped.

“You’ve been avoiding me for the last several days, so why now?”

Drat the man. He was much too perceptive for his own good.

“I’m tired of this halfway between sort of marriage,” she replied. That, at least, was the truth. “And I think you are as well.”

“I will take whatever you can give me, Ainsley. But you know I want more.” He rolled his lips inward, as if struggling to keep in the words. “I want everything.”
