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“She’s obviously smarter than you are,” said Royal. “As is Grandda.”

“I don’t think you can entirely blame me for misunderstanding,” Nick said. “This is not exactly an everyday occurrence, even around here.”

Angus tsked. “Ye were thinkin’ the worst about the lad, and he didna deserve it.”

Nick sighed. “I did, and I’m sorry for it, Royal. I should have known better. But why that little charade out in the hall?”

“Royal is trying to protect Lady Ainsley, of course,” Victoria said.

“And the baby,” Royal added. “It’s imperative that no one find out about her parentage. This seemed the best way to do it.”

His brother’s eyebrows shot up. “By ruining your reputation? That is rather a drastic solution. Why isn’t Lady Ainsley’s family dealing with this?”

“With the exception of Lady Margaret, her family doesn’t know she was with child. They believe she was sent north as punishment for disobeying her father.”

“Because Ainsley’s father wanted her to marry Lord Cringlewood, and she refused,” Victoria explained to Nick.

“I take it that Cringlewood is the baby’s father?” Nick frowned. “If that’s the case, why didn’t she marry him? They were all but engaged some months ago, as I recall.”

“She developed an acute dislike for his lordship,” Victoria said. “I asked her about it once. The only thing she would say was that she would rather join a convent than be forced to marry him.”

“Cringlewood has proven himself to be unworthy of her,” Royal said tersely. “She refuses to have anything to do with him, and will not allow the baby to be used as a means of manipulating her into marriage.”

“Did he force himself on her?” Nick asked quietly.

Royal was torn between fury at the marquess and the desire to protect Ainsley’s privacy. “I don’t know. But be assured that Ainsley has her reasons, and they are sound.”

Victoria and Angus exchanged troubled glances, but held their peace.

Nick studied him with thoughtful regard, but Royal stood his ground, refusing to make additional explanations. The story was Ainsley’s to tell, not his.

“All right,” his brother finally said, “I accept that. Why not marry you, then? It’s the perfect solution, if you ask me.”

“Because no one would believe for a second that the baby was mine. And once Cringlewood found out, that would be the end of it.”

“But you’d be married,” Nick argued, “so what would it matter? Surely she knows we would protect her.”

“Sadly, I failed to convince her of that.” Royal stared at his brother, willing him to drop this unpleasant line of unquestioning.

Victoria sighed. “Royal, I’m so sorry.”

He gave a small shrug, as if it didn’t matter.

“I’m sorry for the lass,” Angus said, “but she’s a fool to reject ye, lad.”

“Thank you, Grandda.”

The old man leaned over to carefully touch the baby’s head. “Ye did get the wee lassie, and she seems grand.”

Royal gazed down at the slumbering innocent in his arms. “Aye,” he said softly. Grand, just like her mother.

“So, you offered to be the hero and take this child on as your own,” Nick said. “Regardless of the scandal that’s sure to result, and the black mark it will give our family.”

Royal gave him an apologetic grimace, knowing full well how much the Laird of Arnprior hated scandal. “I know it’s a lot to ask, old man, but I hope I can count on your support.”

His brother again studied him in silence.

“Of course he supports you,” Victoria said, poking Nick in the shoulder.
