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Logan nodded. “Angus is devoted to the wee lass, I’ll give you that. It reminds me of the way he was with you, when you were a babe.”

Since Tira’s arrival, Angus had taken on the role of great-grandfather with enthusiasm and renewed energy. He’d insisted on moving to Glasgow with them, even though it meant giving up his duties as Nick’s estate steward.

“I know ye’ll be missin’ my help,” he’d told Nick. “But I canna be lettin’ them go off to that bloody city without me to look after them.”

“I completely understand, Grandda,” Nick had said, trying to muster a convincing show of disappointment. “I don’t know what I’ll do without you, though.”

Royal had all but spit out his mouthful of whisky.

“Besides,” Angus had added, shooting him a dirty look, “ye’ll be needin’ me to help ye handle the gossip over ye and Tira.”

The news that Royal Kendrick was raising his illegitimate daughter within the bosom of his family had created the scandal of the summer in Glasgow. Rather than hiding Tira away, the family had conducted themselvesas bold as brass, in the opinion of the gossips. But since the powerful Earl of Arnprior had made clear his full support for Royal, the worst of the scandal had dissipated fairly quickly. Logan had also been enormously helpful. Whenever there was even a hint of a mean-spirited remark, Logan issued a thinly veiled threat, which invariably put the fear of God into the offending party.

The brazen display they’d planned left little room for speculation about Tira’s mother, and most of the gossip had swirled around Royal. But since Logan and Royal tended to keep to themselves, working at the office during the day and spending evenings quietly at home, even that was minimal. Angus and the nursemaid could now take Tira for her daily walks in the park and barely anyone took notice.

Life was finally settling into an orderly and peaceful routine, with Ainsley’s secret safe. The Kendricks, it appeared, had pulled it off. Royal might not be deliriously happy with his new life, and there would always be an empty spot in his heart that only Ainsley could fill, but he was content.

Contentment felt rather like a miracle, and was more than he deserved.

Royal corked his ink bottle. “It’s not surprising that Angus is so devoted to her. After all, he loves to feel both useful and to order people about. Fortunately, Tira is much too young to realize how irritating he can be.”

“I think she loves the old goat as much as he loves her,” Logan said.

“True,” Royal said. “She smiled at him before anyone else, including me.”

“It was probably just gas.”

“Please tell me you didn’t say that to him.”

“I did, and I thought he was going to run me through with a dirk,” Logan said with a grin. “He even read me a grand lecture on how his wee great-granddaughter is the smartest child ever born.”

“And I’m a lucky man to have such a grand family,” Royal said.

Logan shook his head. “If anyone deserves our support, it’s you. You’ve saved us from ourselves any number of times. Nick and I would have killed each other without your intercession.”

It wasn’t a figure of speech or an exaggeration. Nick’s first wife had died a tragic death, leaving him with a little son. Wee Cameron had been the light of all their lives. Tragically, when he was only four, he’d slipped into a river and drowned while fishing with his uncles. Going in after the boy, Logan had almost perished in a brave but futile rescue attempt.

In his terrible grief, Nick had blamed Logan for his son’s death, and they’d all but murdered each other in a brutal fight. Royal had managed to separate them, but the damage had been done. Nick had exiled Logan, ordering him never to set foot on Arnprior lands again. Knowing his two older brothers needed time apart, Royal had convinced Logan to follow his laird’s orders.

What the family had assumed would be a separation of only a few months had turned into seven long years of exile in Canada for Logan. Only recently had Nick seen his way past the old grief and anger. With Victoria’s help, he’d finally been able to forgive Logan and welcome his return to the clan.

“Thank God those days are behind us,” Royal said. “We were apart for far too long, and we’re grateful that you’re home.”

His brother rubbed a hand through his thick black hair. “I might have to be going away again.”


“I’m afraid I’ll have to return to Canada for a while. There are a number of issues that need to be dealt with in the Halifax office. They’re not pressing at this point, but will be eventually.”

“I thought you’d found a good manager to handle things on that end?”

“I thought so too,” Logan said, “until I discovered he was skimming profits from my timber trade. Not huge amounts, but enough that I finally noticed.”

“The bastard. But can’t you find someone trustworthy to take up the position, and send him over in your stead?”

“Easier said than done. I’ll advertise, but it’s entirely possible I’ll have to go back, sort things out, and find someone over there.” He shrugged. “Not everyone would be prepared to uproot his life and move to Canada, or even Halifax. It’s a splendid country, but life can be rugged.”

Royal pondered the notion for a few moments. “I would.”
