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“I’m sorry, old man,” Royal said. “What was it?”

A brief spasm flexed his brother’s features. “Smallpox.”

“Bloody hell.”

“Aye, that’s the phrase for it,” Logan said grimly. “It was a small mercy she went quickly. But I was left with a three-month-old babe and not a clue how to manage any of it.”

“Not to mention you were grieving.” Coming after Cam’s death only a few years prior, it must have been a horrible blow. “I’m so sorry, Logan. I wish I had known.”

His brother waved a hand, obviously uncomfortable with all the emotion. “Don’t fash yourself, lad. You had your own problems to deal with.”

“But your son avoided the illness, I take it.”

Logan’s eyes lit up. “Aye, Joseph is a strong and healthy boy, thank God.”

“Ah, I have a nephew named Joseph. That’s capital,” Royal said.

“Joseph Logan Kendrick. We named him after my wife’s father.”

“And you.”

Logan gave him a sheepish smile. “Marguerite insisted.”

“It’s a splendid name, and I’m sure he’s a splendid boy.”

“He is.” Logan fell silent for a few seconds. “I miss him more than I can say.”

“He’s with his grandparents, I take it?”

“Yes. They moved into my house in Halifax after Marguerite died. Joseph was helping me manage the business, while Marie—my mother-in-law—took care of my son. But Joseph had a stroke last year and can no longer manage the work.”

“I see why things are so complicated, but that still doesn’t explain why you didn’t tell us as soon as you returned home,” Royal said, giving him a stern look. “You know we would all support you.”

“Even Nick?”

“Why the hell wouldn’t he? The two of you reconciled months ago.”

Logan stared down at the floor again. “Because I still have my son, and he doesn’t.”

Ah, hell.

“How old is the lad?”

“He’s four.”

The same age as Cam when he had drowned. Complicated, indeed.

“I’m not saying it won’t bring up some difficult feelings for Nick,” Royal said. “But hehasforgiven you. Even more importantly, he’s forgiven himself. Cam’s death was a tragic accident, and he knows that now. And Nick is happy thanks to Victoria. He wants you to be happy too.”

Logan eyed him dubiously.

“You need to trust him,” Royal insisted. “He’s your brother, as well as your laird and chieftain. Nick will be royally pissed if you keep this from him much longer, as will everyone else.” He lifted a significant eyebrow. “Just imagine how Victoria will react.”

Logan winced. “I know. I’m trying to figure out the best way to tell them. If you could keep this under your hat a bit longer, I would be grateful.”

Royal mentally sighed. Apparently, he was the keeper of secrets. “Of course. And if you want me to be there when you tell Nick, just say the word.”

“Thank you, but I’m mostly depending on Victoria to keep him from killing me.”
