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“Are you all right?” she gasped.

“Yes,” he ground out. He glanced at the tall man charging at them like a boar with a spear in its rump. “Who the hell is that?”

“The Marquess of Cringlewood,” she said in a tight voice.

“Never heard of him.”

She shot him a grim look. “You’re about to hear quite a lot, I fear. And please, Mr. Kendrick, let me do the talking.”

Ainsley stepped forward, as if to protect him. While Royal would have liked nothing better than to pull her behindhimfor safekeeping, his energies were directed toward staying on his blasted feet.

“My lord, what a surprise,” she said as their intruder stalked up to them. “I didn’t expect to see you back in town so soon.”

Her cool, well-bred elegance acted like a shield. Still, Royal could read her tension by the hike of her shoulders. He could feel it, too. If he wasn’t mistaken, Ainsley was more than embarrassed. She was downright nervous.

“Lady Ainsley, what are you doing out here?” Cringlewood demanded, glowering like a stage villain. “And who the devil is this person?”

Royal finally took Ainsley by the arm as he moved up by her side. She all but jumped out of her shoes.

“Remove your hand, you cad,” Cringlewood hissed.

Royal repressed the impulse to roll his eyes at the man’s absurd theatrics.

“My lord, there is no cause for alarm,” Ainsley said, pulling her arm away. “Mr. Kendrick simply offered to escort me out to the hall for some cooler air. The atmosphere in the ballroom was stifling.”

The marquess still eyed her with heavy disapproval. “Without a chaperone? I cannot imagine your parents would be pleased to see you wandering about unprotected. Nor, might I add, am I.”

Royal gave him a smile that was mostly teeth. “Her ladyship is not unprotected. She’s with me.”

Cringlewood ignored him. “Your mamma is waiting for you, Ainsley. She’s grown concerned by your absence.”

So, the aristocratic blighter was on a first name basis with her. That was a painful revelation, especially since he was tall, handsome, and dressed with an expensive elegance that Royal could never hope to match. Even worse, he was evidently hale in all limbs.

When Ainsley sighed and gave a resigned nod, Royal frowned. She never catered to any man but her father, the Earl of Aldridge.

He laid a gentle hand on her arm. She glanced up at him, startled, but then gave a tiny shake of the head, as if to warn him.

But warn him of what?

“My lady, perhaps you might formally introduce me to your friend,” Royal said. “He seems such a charming gentleman.”

Consternation flashed across her features before her control reasserted itself.

“Of course. Mr. Kendrick, it is my pleasure to introduce you to the Marquess of Cringlewood.” She gave the marquess a bland smile. “Mr. Kendrick is the brother of the Earl of Arnprior.”

The man barely managed a nod before holding out an imperious arm to Ainsley.

Bloody ponce.Even his name was ridiculous.

“Delighted, I’m sure,” Royal said. “And now that we’ve got the niceties out of the way, I’m happy to return you to the ballroom, Lady Ainsley.” He lifted an eyebrow at the marquess. “Your assistance is no longer required, sir.”

Cringlewood’s nostrils actually flared. The man really did have a promising career on the stage if he ever decided to give up life as an aristocratic idiot.

“That won’t be necessary, Mr. Kendrick,” Ainsley quickly replied. “I’m more than happy to return to the ballroom with Lord Cringlewood.”

Despite the words, she looked anything but happy. In fact, she looked all but ready to break out in hives from a severe bout of nerves.

“Are you sure?” Royal asked quietly. “If you’re uncomfortable with him, I’ll escort you to your mother.”
