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Mamma stared for a few seconds but then pressed a hand to her eyes, suddenly looking quite ill.

“Are you all right?” Ainsley asked, touching her arm.

“Ainsley, the marquess is threatening to bring legal action against you,” she said as she lowered her hand. “For breach of promise of marriage. If he follows through, the scandal will be utterly appalling. God knows what it will do to your father, given the weak state of his heart.”

For a moment, Ainsley could only gape at her mother. She knew that breaking an engagement was a dreadfully serious business that could potentially damage one’s reputation—and financial prospects, if one of the parties was depending on a generous marriage settlement. Since Ainsley’s settlement was more than generous, Cringlewood would feel the sting of losing it. Still, he was amarquess, for God’s sake, and a wealthy one at that.

She also knew that breach of promise suits were notoriously difficult and expensive to prosecute. It had to be nothing more than a stupid, mean-spirited threat on Cringlewood’s part.

“The marquess hates scandal as much as you and Papa do,” Ainsley said. “I cannot believe he would court it through legal action.”

“He hates scandal, but he hates being humiliated and cheated even more. Youmustreturn home with me, or else he will proceed.”

Ainsley shook her head in disbelief. “But why does he care so much?”

“Some days I do wonder,” her mother said bitterly. “But the fact remains that you committed yourself to Leonard, and he rightly insists you honor that commitment, as do we. I should not have to tell you how damaging the consequences will be for all of us if you do not.”

At this point, Ainsley didn’t give a damn about herself or her family. But a court case, with all the attendant publicity, would shine a stark light on her actions over this past year and more. That ugliness would eventually find its way to Tira, exposing her to the world.

In fact, who was to say that her mother wouldn’t try to use the knowledge of Tira’s existence to force her hand? “Mamma, you cannot tellanyoneabout my child,” Ainsley said, trying to steady her quavering voice.

“If you return home with me, there will be no need to do so.”

“I can’t do that.” Ainsley jumped to her feet, battling the urge to race upstairs, snatch her child, and flee with her to safety.

There’s no place safe.

Her mother stood. “You leave me no choice but—”

The door flew open. Royal stalked in, going straight to Ainsley.

“Is everything all right?” He curled a supportive arm around her shoulders even as he directed a hard gaze at her mother.

Ainsley’s knees quivered with an unholy combination of relief and panic, forcing her to lock them in place. “Yes, thank you. Mamma was just leaving.”

“I was doing nothing of the sort. Unless, that is, you are coming with me.”

“I will come see you later,” Ainsley said. “We can finish our conversation then.”

“When, exactly?”

“I . . . I’m not sure. Later.”

“That is not acceptable. We need to finish this discussion now.” She threw Royal a disdainful glance. “Alone.”

“Or, you can finish the discussion with me present. Would you prefer that, Ainsley?” Royal asked.

Ainsley didnotprefer. Royal would be furious with her for bringing such a horrific scandal down on their heads, one that could threaten Tira. Under the circumstances, Mamma might even be able to convince him that the best way to protect the child would be for Ainsley to return to London and marry Cringlewood, in exchange for promising to keep Tira’s existence a secret.

No, Royal would never do that to you.

Still, she needed a plan to hobble her tormentor before he left the gate. If she could do that, there would be no reason for Royal and the Kendricks to be dragged into embarrassing scandal and expensive legal machinations. Royal had forgiven her so much already, but even he had to have his limits.

Ainsley was done with testing men’s limits.

“I have no intention of discussing private family matters with you present, Mr. Kendrick,” Mamma said, glaring at him. “And take your hands off my daughter.”

Royal left his hands where they were. “Then since we have nothing further to discuss, I suggest you take your leave, my lady.”
