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Victoria leaned forward in her chair, looking earnest. “You mustn’t think that Logan neglected Cam. He didn’t. And the others were all there too, and not far from the boy. But Logan did turn his back for a few moments, and that was enough. It all happened so fast.”

Donella hated to even ask. “How did it happen?”

“Cam tried to stand on a wet rock and fell into the river. Kade, who was only nine at the time, was the closest and immediately jumped in. Unfortunately, he was swept away, too.”

If Donella hadn’t been holding the baby, she would have covered her mouth in horror. Victoria looked sick, too.

“Logan immediately went in after Cam, while Royal swam for Kade. Royal was a very strong swimmer, but he was barely able to keep himself and Kade from drowning. Cam was swept farther downstream toward the loch, and it took Logan quite some time to reach him, in the most punishing of conditions. Angus said he never gave up, even when they all knew it was too late to save the boy. But Logan was going to get his nephew or die in the attempt.” She breathed out a wavering sigh. “Even now, I think the poor man sometimes wishes he’d died with Cam.”

Carefully, Donella adjusted the now-sleeping baby before wiping away her tears. “What a horrific, senseless tragedy.”

“Royal told me once that what Logan did was nothing less than heroic. But it was too late. All they had left to bring home was that sweet boy’s lifeless body.”

“I cannot imagine Lord Arnprior’s pain.”

“Nicholas blamed Logan, and . . . and they fought. Only Royal’s intervention prevented them from killing each other.” Victoria grimaced and shook her head. “Correction. From Nicholas trying to kill Logan. Logan only defended himself. I’m sure he could have throttled Nicholas with his bare hands had he wanted to, even though my husband is averystrong man.”

Logan topped his brother by a few inches, and outweighed him, too. It must have been a nightmarish scene.

“Then we must all be grateful for Royal,” Donella said stoutly. “From everything I’ve heard, he sounds like a perfectly splendid man and a blessing to his family.”

Victoria managed a smile. “Royal is, well,splendiddoesn’t even begin to describe it. He has saved this family—and my husband—countless times.”

“I take it he was able to convince your husband not to kill Logan?”

“Yes, and he also convinced Logan that he needed to leave Kinglas. It was the only way to keep Nicholas from falling completely apart. So, for the sake of the family, Logan sailed for Canada and didn’t return for six years.”

Donella grieved for Lord Arnprior’s terrible loss, and for the sorrow and guilt that Logan must have suffered. Most men would have completely buckled under the strain.

She was discovering, however, that the Kendricks were not most men.

Logan’s behavior now made more sense. Despite his brash, confident exterior, he was a guarded man who instinctively protected himself. So many grievous losses were bound to have an effect on one’s heart. While she’d not suffered one particle of the grief Logan had, she understood how it had affected him. That kind of pain made it hard to trust—and without trust, there could never truly be love.

“But your husband obviously forgave him,” she finally said.

“He rather had to after Logan rescued me from a murderer.”

Donella gaped at her. “Someone tried to murder you?”

Victoria looked amused. “Yes, but that’s a story for another time.”

“And I thought my family was dramatic.”

“Your family is quite lively, dear. Don’t forget they’re my family, too.”

“I do tend to forget that. Which means you know where all the bodies are buried.”

“And will remain safely buried,” Victoria said firmly. “I am not one to tell tales. You deserve your privacy after everything you’ve gone through.”

You don’t know the half of it.

“Thank you. It’s just that—”

The muffled chime of a clock in the hall interrupted her.

Victoria stood. “It’s late. Let me put this wee one in her cradle, and then I’ll finish the story. It won’t take long to tell.”
