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Even though Donella was still annoyed with the blasted man, she couldn’t help but feel sorry for him. For all his faults, he tried mightily to be an excellent father. Joseph certainly didn’t make it easy for him.

“Why don’t we get finished with this swag?” Donella said. “Then we can have some tea and cakes. I think we’re done with this room, anyway.”

“And ye’ve done a grand job, lassie.” Angus cast an approving eye around the room. “Edie will be right pleased to see how festive ye’ve got it.”

Donella took a moment to inspect the result of her labors. “They were mostly Eden’s ideas. After all, she’s the one who knows how to celebrate Christmas in grand style.”

Still, she felt pleased with her work. The formal drawing room was spacious and elegant, with beautiful plasterwork in shades of cream and pale green offset by panels of red wallpaper. With its mahogany furniture, upholstered in matching shades of red, it made a perfect backdrop for the swags of laurels and bay leaves on the mantelpiece and picture frames, and the arrangements of holly wreaths and candles that dotted the tabletops. Eden had also suggested tying red velvet bows to the backs of the chairs and draping gold cloths over some of the smaller tables. When the lamps and candles were lit, the room would shimmer with a festive glow.

“Yes, but we’ve got a lot more to do,” Joseph reminded her. “We still have to decorate the entrance hall, the staircase, and the dining room. The servants have to put up all the kissing boughs in the ballroom, too.”

“Kissing boughs. My favorite,” Logan said, waggling his eyebrows at Donella.

She scowled at him, trying to ignore the heat rising to her cheeks. Really, the man had quite the nerve flirting with her after last night’s debacle.

“Yer losing yer touch, lad,” Angus said to Logan.

Joseph looked suspicious. “What are you talking about?” Then his expression brightened. “Oh, are you going to kiss Donella under the mistletoe?”

Logan smiled. “Well, now that you mention it—”

“No,” Donella blurted out. “You and your father are going to finish draping that swag, and then we’re going to have tea.”

“Spoilsport,” Logan murmured.

He took the swag and climbed the ladder, his height and long arms making easy work of draping the frame. Joseph handed him the red bow for the middle of the swag, and the job was done.

“Now can we have tea and cakes?” Joseph hopefully asked.

“I have another suggestion,” Logan said. “I’d like to take you Christmas shopping—to pick up some gifts for your uncles and Aunt Victoria. There’s a jolly candy shop we might nip into, as well.”

Donella’s heart sank. She’d wanted to spend more time with Joseph—and with Logan, truth be told, now that he was here.

Still, she forced a smile, since it was important for Joseph to spend time with his father. “What an excellent idea.”

“Can Donella come, too?” Joseph asked.

“I’m counting on it,” Logan said. “She can helpmedo a little shopping.”

She blinked at him. “Um, really?”

“Yes, really.” His warm gaze slowly tracked over her.


“And Grandda is coming, too,” Logan added, smiling at his son. “He can help you pick out presents for Uncle Nick and Aunt Victoria, while Donella helps me find presents for you.”

“That’s a grand plan,” Angus said with an approving nod. “Well done, lad.”

It was aterribleplan. She might wish to spend time with Logan, but certainly not alone. “But how will we all fit in your curricle?”

“My groom can stay here. I can pick him up when I return you home.”


Angus took Joseph’s hand. “Let’s go fetch our coats.”

“Huzzah,” Joseph said, scampering out with his grandfather.
