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While it was true that the gown was beautiful—plush green velvet lavishly trimmed with creamy lace and gold ribbons—Donella had almost fainted the first time she’d tried it on. It required her to wear a specially designed set of stays, because her regular ones would have stuck up over the top. Eden had taken care to order them in anticipation of her objections.

Dress troubles aside, she was feeling too rattled to celebrate anything with the Murrays in town and with Logan Kendrick now on the scent.

That Logan was deeply suspicious of Roddy Murray was undeniable. That Logan was deeply annoyed with her was also undeniable.

She’d spent much of the last week dodging him so as to avoid questions she couldn’t answer. By sticking close to Blairgal and throwing herself into final preparations for the party, she’d managed to minimize contact with her erstwhile suitor.

Joseph had been innocently helpful, coming to visit with Angus almost every day. Since Logan would never forbid his son to spend time with her, Donella had found herself protected by a very effective little chaperone.

It was sad, really, the methods she was forced to employ to protect her secrets.

“You’d have made a dreadful nun,” she murmured as she again tugged at her bodice.

Eden’s maid had been helping her mistress pick out fans, but now bustled over. “Miss Donella, if you don’t stop yanking it, you’ll rip that lovely dress.”

“I’m not yanking, Cora. I’m just . . . fixing it.”

Cora swatted her hands away. “Leave off and letmefix it.”

Eden sank down onto a low, upholstered chair by the fireplace. “Best do what Cora says. She always wins.”

“And don’t you be flopping down like a nasty schoolboy,” Cora said. “You’ll wrinkle that gown something fierce, and then I’ll have to listen to what-for from Lady Reese.”

“Mamma stopped caring what I look like when I married the heir to a Scottish earldom.”

“A rich heir,” Donella added with a smile.

“And you gave him up for me, old girl. Have I thanked you lately for doing that?”

“You have, but I truly gave him up for myself. You were the nudge I needed.”

“Well, it all worked out for the best. I got the man I love, and you’re about to get the man you—”

Donella threw up a hand. “Don’t say it. The very idea gives me hives.”

Cora blew out a frustrated breath as she straightened Donella’s shoulders. “You girls wriggle about like worms on a hook. It’s a wonder I can get you dressed at all.”

“What a flattering description,” Eden said in an amused voice. “But Donella looks absolutely smashing tonight, and you know it.”

Cora finished retying the ribbons at Donella’s back, then reached around to rearrange the gown’s neckline. That put even more bosom on display.

“There,” said the maid with satisfaction. “Now don’t you be touching anything, Miss Donella, or you’ll spoil it.”

Eden rose and joined them at the vanity. “You do look lovely, pet. Logan will be thrilled.”

“I cannot imagine why I’d even care.”

Cora and Eden exchanged a furtive glance.

“I can see you in the mirror, you know,” Donella dryly said.

“That will be all, Cora,” Eden said.

“Yes, ma’am.”

The maid couldn’t resist fussing with Donella’s hair one more time before gathering up some discarded shifts. She paused at the door to give her mistress a pointed look.

“You keep an eye on Miss Donella, now. She’s not used to the ways of these townfolk.”
