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She skidded to a halt. “That is an exceedingly bad idea.”


“Because we’ll be alone.”

Brawny, handsome, and temptation incarnate, he loomed over her. “We’re just going to have a wee dram and a wee talk. Nothing scandalous about that.”

“It’s entirely scandalous, and you know it.”

His eyes betrayed his exasperation. “Donella, we’ve been alone on any number of occasions, and our families have never objected.”

“No? Alasdair all but threatened to murder you for maligning my virtue after that night in the crofter’s cottage.”

“I believe we agreed it was impugning, not maligning.”

She looked around for a convenient vase to throw at his head.

“I’m very good at ducking, lass,” he said, gently nudging her along. “And I promise to be on my best behavior. If I’m not, I further promise that you can bash me over the head with as many vases or candlesticks as you like.”

“You’re ridiculous.”

“I know, but you like me anyway.”

She refused to dignify that with an answer because, well, she did like him.

You more than like him.

Logan was right, and Eden had been right, too. She needed to give this a chance, and she needed to be as honest with him as she was able. Donella couldn’t reveal everything about her past, but she could tell him about her mother. He certainly deserved that much.

The library was at the very end of the hall, far from the service rooms and the more public parts of the house. It was blessedly silent, and Donella had to admit she was grateful to escape the heat and the press of so many people. After her years in seclusion, she still found crowds to be a formidable challenge.

She’d always preferred a quiet evening by the fire, spent with a book and a cup of tea, and sometimes a chat with family or close friends.

A sudden image of Joseph curled up by her side as she read him a story rose in her mind. Logan was close by, keeping watch over both of them. A sense of longing began to squeeze her heart so strongly that it was hard to breathe. God, she wanted that life. She wanted her own family, and a child to love.

And she wanted Logan. That was the most shocking revelation of all.

“All right, lass?” he murmured as he reached around her to close the door.

She forced out the breath that was stuck somewhere between her ribs. “Yes.”

He tipped up her chin and studied her face for a moment. Then he dropped a quick kiss on her forehead. “We’ll get it sorted, sweetheart.”

“There’s nothing to sort, I assure you.”

He snorted by way of reply and led her to the apple-green velvet chaise tucked cozily into the alcove of the bow window. “I’ll get us a drink.”

She gratefully sat, given her wobbly knees.

He crossed the room that Eden had recently repapered in a crimson silk that handsomely set off the Grecian mahogany furniture. Splendid bookshelves flanked the large desk and the fireplace, rising floor to ceiling.

As far as Donella was concerned, the best feature of the room was this window alcove, which faced west toward the rising hills. The intimate little nook was her favorite place to read. Thanks to the fire burning brightly in the hearth, it was cozy now, too. For the first time all evening, her tense muscles began to relax.

But her heart started tripping over itself again when she heard Logan’s quiet footfall returning to her.

“May I?” he asked, as he settled beside her.

She took the cut-crystal glass he offered. “I don’t know why you bother asking, since you’re going to do whatever you want.”

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