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“I’m not sure what you’re referring to, ma’am,” Donella replied. “Now if you’ll excuse me—”

Jeannie smoothly blocked her way. “There’s no need to be modest, my dear. You’ve managed to snag the most eligible bachelor in Glasgow, perhaps in all of Scotland. That is quite the feat for a countrified young lady who only recently was residing in a convent.”

Despite the coolly ironic smile, Donella saw anger in the woman’s gaze and barely contained jealousy.

“I know you and Mr. Kendrick were once close,” she replied. “So if you have something to say, I suggest you speak to Mr. Kendrick. Your former relationship is truly none of my business.”

Jeannie’s smile turned malicious. “It was a great deal more than close, you know. Unfortunately, circumstances prevented us from marrying.”

Donella stared at her in disbelief. “Thecircumstancewas the tragic death of Logan’s nephew.”

“I said it was unfortunate, did I not? But it was nevertheless unfair that we were forced to separate.”

“From what I understand, when he asked you to marry him, you turned him down. No oneforcedyou to do anything.”

A sneer lifted the corners of Jeannie’s mouth. Suddenly, she didn’t look quite so perfect. “You know nothing of—”

“What happened?” Donella interrupted. “I believe I do. Are we finished, Mrs. MacArthur? Because I would like to rejoin my party.”

If the blasted woman tried to get in her way again, she’d give her a good shove to make her move.

Jeannie made a visible effort to contain her emotions. Donella had to give the woman credit for impressive self-control.

When that chilling smile again lifted the corners of her mouth, Donella couldn’t repress a shiver, despite the hothouse atmosphere.

“Logan was my first,” Jeannie said. “One never forgets one’s first.”

Donella frowned. “First love? Yes, I know that.”

“No, my dear. Logan was my firstlover,and what a lover he was.” She regarded Donella with amusement. “Logan, however, will not beyourfirst lover. I cannot help but wonder how he’ll react to that on your wedding night.”

The double blow knocked the air from Donella’s lungs, and the second carefully aimed jab went straight to the gut. How in God’s name did the bloody woman know about Roddy?

Donella stood frozen as she tried to think past her growing panic. Perhaps it was simply a stab in the dark, fueled by jealousy and old rumors that had resurfaced because of her return to society.

While she struggled to muster a coherent response, Jeannie patted her arm.

“Logan is a very forgiving man, my dear. I’m sure he’ll be happy to overlook any former contretemps, particularly since your betrothal will be so helpful in sealing his new business relationship with Lord Riddick.” Jeannie laughed. “How charmingly old-fashioned of your family to offer your hand in marriage for financial gain.”

Donella’s mind went blank for a moment, so she simply stared at Jeannie, unable—unwilling—to reply.

The lovely blonde waved a casual hand. “You know, of course, that Logan has been in trading negotiations with your uncle for some weeks. Apparently, the arrangements will greatly advantage Kendrick Shipping and Trade.” Again, her contemptuous gaze flickered over Donella. “No wonder he wished to marry you.”

Donella tried to ignore the black spots floating across her vision. It had to be the heat of the room. She had to get away, find someplace to sit and be quiet.

“Mrs. MacArthur, if you do not move, I will be forced—”

“Och, there you are,” Logan said, squeezing between two portly gentlemen at the edge of the dance floor. “Edie was in a stew that she’d lost you—”

He broke off when Jeannie turned to smile at him. “Jeannie, er, Mrs. MacArthur, how nice to see you.”

The woman all but sparkled. “Mr. Kendrick, I’m so pleased to see you. I’ve been having quite an interesting chat with Miss Haddon.”

Logan’s gaze narrowed. “Have you now?”

Jeannie pressed his arm. “Indeed. And allow me to offer my sincere congratulations on your betrothal. What splendid news.”

He threw Donella a startled look. She gave a slight shake of the head.
