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“No, she definitely wanted to talk to you,” Alasdair said. “In fact—”

He broke off and came to a sudden halt.

Logan stopped, too. “Now, what?”

Grim-faced, Alec charged ahead to the library door. He swiped up a shoe from the floor.

A woman’s shoe, the dainty sort one would wear to a ball.

“It’s Donella’s,” Alec said.

Logan shoved past him and threw open the door.


The room was freezing because the bay windows were wide open. A stiff breeze flapped the heavy velvet drapes, and papers from Alec’s desk had scattered onto the floor.

Logan bent to retrieve a lady’s fan from the carpet. He’d seen it before, in Donella’s hand the night of the Assembly Rooms ball.

“Goddammit.” Alec strode to the window and leaned halfway out. “I can’t see a bloody thing.”

Fear spiked through Logan, followed by a shimmering haze of fury that seemed to cloud his brain.

“Mungo Murray,” he spat out.

When Alec vaulted out the window, Logan strode to the desk and grabbed the Argand lamp. Then he leaned out the window, holding the lamp high to give Alec some light.

His friend was crouched below, inspecting a trampled bush. He took the lamp and did a quick sweep of the surrounding area before returning.

“How many?” Logan asked, taking back the lamp.

Alec climbed up into the room. “Four, I think. Hard to tell because the ground’s so wet.”

“How the hell did they get in?”

“Not this way. The windows lock from the inside.”

Logan had to resist the urge to slam the lamp down on the desk. “Why didn’t anyone see them?”

Alec, inspecting the window alcove, glanced impatiently back at him. “Half of Glasgow is here. You could slip the bloody Prince Regent and his court into the house, and no one would notice.”

“Well, I’ll need to borrow a brace of pistols then I’m off to the Murray house.”

“I know you Kendricks love to charge off half-cocked, but can we just think this through for a moment?”

“I have no intention waiting for you to be the great master spy while Donella is in danger.”

The very thought was killing him.

“She’s my family, Logan,” Alec replied, “and I love her, too. I promise we’ll get her back, but we need to come up with a plan.”

Logan sucked in a breath, forcing himself to think rationally. He’d faced many dangers in his life, and Alec was right. To both surviveandprevail, one needed a plan.

“What do you suggest?”

“It’s highly unlikely they took her to the Murray’s town house in the city. Too obvious.”

“True, but somebody there might know something.” And he would throttle it out of them, if need be.
