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Murray bristled at his wife, but it was clear he was extremely unsettled.

Donella found that extremely unsettling.

“I was out back, ye ken. I didna see them arrive,” the innkeeper said.

His wife snorted with barely concealed disgust. “Be off with ye to check on Mr. Kendrick’s men and his cattle, or ye’ll get the sharp side of my tongue.”

Although clearly resenting his wife’s order, the innkeeper gave Kendrick a deferential bob and scurried out the door with a backward, worried glance at Donella.

Kendrick raised his eyebrows at her. “That was a bit . . .”

“Odd,” she finished.

“Och, there’s nae need to worry, miss,” said Mrs. Murray. “My husband can be a bit scattered at times, is all. I’ll pop out to the stables in a wee bit to make sure yer men and the horses are settled for the night. Then I’ll see to yer supper.”

“I think it best for Miss Haddon to eat supper in her room,” Kendrick said. “She’s had a tiring day, and she needs her privacy.”

“I don’t mind eating in the taproom,” Donella said, reluctant to cause additional trouble. “Mrs. Murray has enough to do.”

“Sorry, but I’ll have to insist.” Kendrick’s gaze held a clear warning. “You’ll be undisturbed in your room and better able to rest.”

It was clear her protector still harbored concerns, as did she, and Mr. Murray’s behavior had done nothing to allay them. It might be best to pole up the horses and leave. It was a gruesome thought, though, given how cold, tired, and famished she was.

Kendrick suddenly flashed a smile as he pressed a hand to her shoulder, stroking a thumb along the slight protrusion of her collarbone. “Not to worry, lass. I’m just being a wee bit careful.”

Donella froze, startled by the warmth of his hand cupping her shoulder. She gazed up into his steely blue eyes, and something instinctive urged her to sidle closer, seeking his strength and protection.

An expression that looked remarkably like interest sparked in his gaze—the sort of interest a man took in a woman who’d caught his fancy. It had been years since she’d been a woman in that position. For Donella, dreams of romance were part of a distant past. Despite that blunt truth, a most disconcerting tingle started behind her knees and travelled upward. She forced herself to slip away from his touch.

She wasnot that kind of woman and never would be again.

“Of course, Mr. Kendrick,” she said. “Whatever you think is best.”

His smile transformed into one of sardonic amusement. Blushing, Donella silently cursed the man for making her feel so awkward and self-conscious.

For a moment, she thought he would tease her. Thankfully, he switched his focus to Mrs. Murray.

“So, you’ll see to it that Miss Haddon gets supper in her room?”

“Aye, sir. Whatever ye want shall be.”

“Good. I’ll eat in the taproom with my men.”

Mrs. Murray nodded toward a staircase at the end of the long hall. “I’ll take ye up, miss.”

Donella started to follow but paused to glance back at Logan. “Is this good night, or will I see you later?”

When his smile flashed roguish, she couldn’t hold back a glower.

“I merely wish to discuss the plans for tomorrow,” she said with as much dignity as she could muster.

“Of course. You can count on it, lass.” Then he winked at her.

She turned on her heel and stalked off. He was a terrible flirt, which is exactly what one should expect from a man like him. While he was undeniably brave, and she could only be grateful for his protection, it seemed clear he’d earned his reputation as one of the infamous Kendricks. Those men had cut a swathe through a hefty portion of the Scottish female population.

Well, she had no interest in flirting with himorbeing the butt of his jests.

Mrs. Murray led her up the narrow staircase to a room at the end of the hall. “I’ll be putting ye in our best room, miss. It’s farthest away from the public rooms, and nice and quiet. Warm too, since it’s right over the kitchen.”
