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“I’m sorry you miss it.”

She gave an awkward shrug. “It’s for the best. I really wasn’t a very good nun.”

His eyes, normally the color of blue ice on a mountain lake, turned warm with sympathy. “Maybe it wasn’t the right life for you. And you have another home to return to. Blairgal is a grand place, and your family is eager for your return.”

Donella rarely cried, but his kindness brought the sting of tears to her eyes.

“I . . .” She had to stop and clear her throat.

“Lass, if you cry, I’ll be forced to do something drastic,” he said gruffly.

“Such as?” she managed.

“Run from the room, most likely. I’mterrifiedof crying women. And children? Even worse.”

His silly comment made her laugh.

Kendrick grinned. “That’s better. Now if we could only . . . ah.” He rose and went to answer the tap on the door.

“Here be yer water, sir,” said the sleepy-looking kitchen boy.

Kendrick handed over a shilling and took the water pitcher.

“I’ll visit the necessary while you have a quick wash and get in bed,” he said to Donella. “All right?”

She nodded, grateful for his tact.

By the time he returned, she’d stripped down to her stockings and shirt and crawled under the covers. The mattress was thin and the linens stiff and scratchy, but she was so happy to be finally lying down.

Kendrick tapped on the door before stepping into the room. He shot the bolt and then went to check the latch and close the shutters on the single window.

“I’m sorry you have to sleep on the floor,” she said softly.

“I’ll do fine. Just try to rest.”

He snuffed the lamp and shadows fell over the room.

Donella turned on her side and gathered up the pillow, trying to ignore the fact that he was but a few feet away as he tugged off his boots and stripped down to his breeches and shirt.

For a few moments, he stood in front of the hearth, his frame outlined by the flickering light of the fire. As he shook out the blanket, his brawny shoulders shifted under the fabric of his shirt. The man was built like a warrior, with long, hard lines and superbly controlled strength.

When Kendrick crouched down to arrange his blanket on the floor, his breeches stretched tight, outlining the tight muscles of his backside and thighs. Donella’s mind seemed to go soft and fuzzy at the sight of him, and her body flushed with heat. Mortified, she quickly rolled onto her back, accidentally sending her pillow off the bed.

“All right over there?” came his low, rumbling voice.


“I knocked my pillow off.”

“I’ll get it for you.”

“No, I’ll do it.” She started to shoot upright before remembering she was barely clothed. She instantly slid back under the covers.

“It’s no problem.” Two long steps brought him to the bed, and he swiped up the pillow and held it out to her.

Clutching the covers to her neck, she snaked out a hand and grabbed the pillow. She awkwardly wedged it under her head.

Kendrick watched her maneuvers with amusement. “Miss Haddon, you do realize that your virtue is perfectly safe with me.”
