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“And too good for the likes of you,” Alasdair said.

“Says the man who ran away to avoid marrying me,” Donella retorted.

It was a churlish comment, but understandable given that she was struggling with an unexpected sense of disappointment at Kendrick’s less than enthusiastic reply. What in God’s name was wrong with her?

Alasdair winced. “Sorry, lass. I—”

“It doesn’t matter,” she interrupted. “I’m going to be joining another convent as soon as I can, anyway. So the issue is moot.”

Her comment stunned the men into silence. It rather stunned her too, since she hadn’t thought that far ahead, at least not so definitively.

“But you just got kicked out of the convent,” Alasdair blurted out. “How can you go back?”

“I did not getkickedout,” she said through clenched teeth. “And there are other orders besides the Carmelites.”

“Clerical orders aren’t like haberdashers,” her cousin said. “You just can’t shop around until you find one that suits you.”

Kendrick sighed. “So now I’m pushing you back into the convent to avoid scandal. Splendid.”

She laid a hand on his arm. “You’ve done nothing but protect me and care for me. And we both know that nothing happened.”

Nothing, that is, other than that she’d finally found a man—a friend—who seemed to understand her. Therealher.

When their gazes locked, she saw genuine warmth and regret in his eyes. At the fleeting sense of what might have been, her heart twisted into a knot.

“Aye, we do,” he finally said.

She turned to her cousin. “You owe me, Alasdair. As a man who was caught in a truly scandalous position, you know exactlywhyit was scandalous. And as the woman who caught you in that position, I also know that what happened in this cottage is entirely different. Mr. Kendrick did not compromise me in any way.”

Alasdair blew out an exasperated breath. “Dammit, you could always run rings around me. Very well, I’ll do what I can to contain any blowback. And I’ll explain the situation to my men.”

Relief made her laugh a bit shaky. “You mean you’ll threaten to knock their heads together if they say anything.”

“Exactly. And I won’t tell Fergus or anyone else in the family. But you’ll have to explain it to Grandfather.”

She nodded. “I’ll take care of Uncle Riddick.”

He studied her for a few moments, then flashed a grin and swept her into a huge embrace. “Since I’ve not had the chance to say it, welcome home, lass. It’s grand to see you.”

She hugged him back, surprised by the upwelling of her emotions. She and Alasdair had never been very close, but she realized now how much she’d missed him. How much she’d missed all her family.

“Thank you, dearest. I cannot tell you how ready I am to get home and out of these dreary clothes.”

“I think we’d best try to sneak you in before Grandfather gets a look, or he’ll pitch a fit. Of course, he’s pitching a fit anyway over this business with the Murrays. Any idea what it’s about? He went as tight as an oyster when I asked him, and Fergus wasn’t much better.”

“Just stupid clan business from years ago that the Murrays clearly have not forgotten,” Donella said. “I have no idea how they heard I was leaving the convent, or why they would even care.”

She hated lying, even when it was necessary. She’d make it up with some extra prayers.

“Stupid clan feuds,” Alasdair said, disgusted.

“Aye, they are,” Kendrick agreed. “Now we’d best get Donella back to Blairgal, then sort it out. I take it we’ll be riding? Your cousin is in no condition to walk.”

“My foot is rather a mess,” Donella said at her cousin’s concerned look.

“We have one extra mount,” Alasdair replied. “Donella will ride with me.”

Kendrick shook his head. “Better she ride with me. You take the lead, so you and your men can keep us out of trouble.”
