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“The best surprise,” Angus said. “Yer da is just a wee bit upset because I didna write to him first.”

Joseph grabbed Logan’s collar. “Don’t be mad at Grandda. He didn’t want to tell you because you would worry too much.”

He smiled at his son. “He was right. I would have been a gibbering idiot if I’d known you were at sea.”

“But it was lots of fun. Grandda let me spend time with the sailors, and they taught me things, like tying knots. And they uselotsof funny words.”

“Oh, dear,” Victoria said.

Logan scowled. “Really, Angus?”

“No need to talk about that now,” his grandfather hastily replied. “We’re here, and Joseph is happy to be in Scotland with his da. Aren’t ye, laddie?”

Joseph’s tentative smile suggested the matter was yet to be decided.

“Well, I am very happy to see you,” Logan said, hugging him close again. “I missed you more than anything in the world.”

Instead of returning his embrace, Joseph wriggled. “Thank you, Papa. Can I get down now?”

Logan’s heart sank. “Of course, my boy.” Emotion made his voice gruff, so he tried to lighten the moment by flashing a broad smile as he set his son down.

The boy straightened his little wool vest and gave Logan an apologetic grimace. “It’s just that you smell, Papa.”

Logan had to laugh. “I just spent three days on the road, and not in the best of conditions.”

“Why don’t you go have a wash and a change?” Victoria suggested. “We’ll have tea while we’re waiting for you. Nicholas had an appointment with his banker, but he should be home within the hour.”

Logan gave her a quick, meaningful glance. “So, he doesn’t know Angus and Joseph are here?”

Her smile was reassuring. “No, but he’ll be delighted to see his grandfather and to finally meet his nephew.”

His sister-in-law knew exactly why he was concerned. Nick had been a widower when he met Victoria, one still mourning the death of his four-year-old son, Cameron. Nick had blamed Logan for little Cam’s death, and not without reason. While it had been a terrible accident, Logan should have foreseen it. He would carry the blame with him always, and it had been the reason he’d exiled himself to Canada.

Over there, Logan had felt too guilt-ridden to tell his family in Scotland that he’d married and had a son. Only when he’d returned home had he finally revealed that he was a widower with a boy of his own. Nick had been stunned that Logan had withheld such important news, but he’d grieved to hear of Marguerite’s death and had offered Logan his deep sympathy. And he’d seemed pleased to know he had a nephew.

Still, Logan couldn’t help being fashed. He had a son, when Nick had lost the child he’d loved more than anything. It wouldn’t be easy for Nick to meet Joseph, when his own boy had been taken from him because of Logan’s horrible mistake.

A gentle hand on his arm pulled him out of the grim reverie.

“Everything will be fine, dearest,” Victoria said. “I promise.”

He mustered a smile. “Yes, of course you’re right.”

“Are you sure Lord Arnprior won’t be unhappy to see us?” Joseph asked Logan in a worried voice. “Uncle Royal told Grandda that Uncle Nick doesn’t really like surprises.”

“Only bad surprises, and we’re definitely good ones,” Angus said, ruffling the boy’s hair. “The laird will be delirious to see me, ye ken. I canna imagine how the poor lad has been managin’ without me.”

“I can,” Logan said tartly.

Before Angus could bristle up, Logan crouched down to eye level with his son. “Lord Arnprior will be delighted to see you. Aunt Victoria already said so, and one thing you’ll soon learn is that she’s never wrong.”

“I always knew you were the smartest Kendrick,” Victoria said with a twinkle. “Joseph, darling, believe me when I say we are all very happy you’ve come to live with us.”

Logan smoothed a tender hand over his boy’s head. Joseph had his mother’s hair—sleek and black as a raven’s wing. In so many ways he was a miniature of Marguerite, especially in his sweet, gentle nature. In this case, however, that nature was worrisome. Joseph was a sensitive boy, and now he’d been transported into a new and confusing world, unmoored from everything he’d ever known. Logan would do everything he could to protect his son from the negative consequences.

Starting now, by showing how happy he was to see him.

“Aye, it’s officially the best day ever, now that you and Grandda are here.” He dropped a kiss on his son’s button nose and stood. “I’m going to wash and change now, so I don’t smell like a polecat anymore. Is that all right?”
