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Clearly, his courtship skills needed more than a bit of work.

He stepped inside to see his brother standing in the center hall, accepting a stack of mail from Henderson. The butler then came over to help them with their coats.

“There you are,” Nick said with a smile. “I hope you had an enjoyable outing. The weather was quite fine for a trip up to—”

He broke off when Joseph dashed over and threw his arms around his waist. The lad burrowed his face into his uncle’s waistcoat. Nick lifted an inquiring eyebrow at Logan, who just sighed and shook his head.

“Now, what’s all this?” Nick asked, bending down over his nephew.

“Nothing,” came the muffled reply. “I just missed you.”

Donella cast Logan a sympathetic glance. He mustered a smile, trying to pretend it didn’t shred his heart that Joseph had run to his uncle for support. Sometimes, the irony of it just about killed him.

“I missed you too, laddie.” Nick eased Joseph back so he could study his face. “Did you enjoy your visit to Mugdock?”

“It was nice.”

That careful reply drew another inquiring look from his brother.

“It’s been a bit of a long day,” Logan said. He glanced at Donella. “Tiring for all of us, I imagine.”

She readily took the hint. “I don’t know about Joseph, but I’m exhausted from climbing up and down those stairs at Mugdock. Rest and a cup of tea would be just the thing.”

“Your aunt Victoria is in the nursery with Rowena and Angus,” Nick said to Joseph. “Why don’t you go up and have tea with them?”

“Rowena’s too young to drink tea. And she drools.” Joseph’s tone suggested drooling was an act of high treason.

“That’s because she’s teething,” Nick said. “Drooling is a requirement at that stage.”

“Grandda will be happy to see you,” Logan said. “And he doesn’t drool. Most of the time, anyway.”

“That’s not very nice, Papa.”

He tried again. “Grandda will want to hear all about Mugdock, though. It’s one of his favorite places.”

Joseph rolled his eyes but took Donella’s hand and headed up the stairs.

“Having a little trouble, are we?” asked Nick.

“You have no bloody idea.”

“Then come to my study and tell me about it. You look like you could use something a little more fortifying than tea.”

“Just give me the whole damn bottle.” Logan followed his brother down the hall.

Nick tossed the bundle of mail onto his desk and went to the drinks trolley. Logan settled into one of the needlepoint wing chairs in front of the fireplace. When Nick handed him a glass of whisky, he downed a generous gulp. Sighing, he leaned back in the chair, letting the warmth of the whisky seep through his body.

Nick settled into the matching chair, stretching his booted legs to rest against the firedogs in front of the hearth. “Trouble at Mugdock?”

“Mugdock was fine. In fact, Joseph loved it. The housekeeper made a grand fuss over him, and I took the lad and Donella to the top of the old tower so we could see the view.”

“I loved that place as a boy. It’s like going back in time, when the old clans still held sway over Scotland.”

Logan scoffed. “You mean when we were all trying to kill each other. But it was grand to see Joseph having so much fun, for once.”

“And what about Donella? Did she have a good time as well?” his brother casually asked.

“Don’t pretend you’re simply making a polite inquiry. I know exactly what you’re up to.”
