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For a few moments, she felt light-headed. It was like tumbling through a rainbow, and had less to do with the dance than with the man holding her close.

“Are you all right?” Logan murmured.

She managed a smile. “I’m just a bit out of practice.”

“Och, you’re the most graceful lass on the floor.” He leaned closer, whispering in her ear, “And the prettiest, ye ken.”

She barely managed to avoid tripping over her feet.

Waltzing with Logan Kendrick was like nothing she’d ever experienced.Stimulatingprobably described it best, especially earlier when he wheeled her through a turn and she made a startling contact with his lower body. Everything about him felt big and hard, including what was hidden beneath the drape of his kilt.

The entire evening was turning out to be rather mind-boggling, because she was beginning to think Logan was courting her. Even more mind-boggling, she was beginning tolikethe notion, though she hadn’t a clue why he’d wish to do so, much less publicly.

After the gruesome episode last week at the sweet shop and the resulting nasty gossip, Donella had expected the entire Kendrick household to lay low for a while. Yet according to Victoria, an opposite strategy had been formulated. The Kendricks would brazen it out, making it clear that little Joseph had their full protection and Donella their full support.

That strategy seemed to include a great deal of attention on her from Joseph’s father, if the last week was any indication. Whenever she left the house, Logan almost invariably accompanied her. If his intention was to show the denizens of Glasgow that she enjoyed his protection, he was making a splendid job of it.

Still, the ugly glare she’d just gotten from a familiar-looking couple on the side of the dance floor suggested the plan hadn’t been entirely successful. She stumbled a bit, and it took a moment to regain her rhythm.

Logan glanced at her face, then eased her to the side of the floor and behind a massive column as the strains of the waltz faded away. “You’re not all right, are you?”

Truthfully, she was getting quite tired of strangers giving her the evil eye, even if she had dumped a table onto three unsuspecting women. It hadn’t been the proudest moment of her life, but she found it hard to regret. Even so, she thought it would be best to stay out of the public eye for the time being. Logan and the rest of the Kendricks, however, clearly did not agree.

“I’m fine,” she tersely replied.

Logan crossed his arms and propped his brawny shoulders against the column. Really, there should be a law against a man looking so splendid in clan dress, especially in evening kit. It was exactly the sort of distraction she didn’t need.

“That’s a load of old cobblers, Donella. You’re fashed about something, and I refuse to believe it’s because some old tabbies and muckrakers can’t keep their silly mouths shut.”

The gossip did bother her, but she’d rather die than admit to something so shallow. “Mr. Kendrick, I have asked you repeatedly not to employ such vulgar language.”

“And I call bollocks to that bit of prevarication, too.”

She scowled. “You really are the most irritating man.”

“Aye, it’s a rare talent.” He tipped up her chin with a gentle forefinger and held it there. “Out with it, Donella. What are you upset about?”

When two ladies strolling by arm in arm looked scandalized, she tried to push his hand away.

“Are youtryingto destroy what little reputation I have left?”

Logan wrapped his fingers around hers, refusing to let go.

“If you keep this up, I won’t have any choice left but to enter a convent,” she groused. “I’ll be a complete social leper.”

His mouth—which she spent too much time looking at—curved up in a seductive smile. “Something tells me that’s not your only choice.”

When she realized what he was suggesting, she yanked her hand away. “You shouldn’t tease like that. It’s not nice.”

Now it was his turn to scowl. “I’m not teasing you. You’re not the sort of girl for that.”

“That is something I am well aware of.”

“I think you’ve got the wrong end of the stick, lass.”

“Then perhaps you can give me the right end, because I don’t know what to think about any of . . . of this.” She felt like her face was on fire, and her skin was prickly under her stays. “If I didn’t know any better, I’d think you were . . .”

She couldn’t bring herself to say the words.
