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“Unfortunately, sir, I could not make my way to this part of town without assistance. As I’m sure you can see, my elderly companion is hardly a threat,” Sabrina answered.

“I couldna let the puir lass come by herself,” Angus dolefully said. “I’m just a harmless old grandda, ye ken.”

When Sabrina caught a quiet snort from the dark cubbyhole at the back of the room, relief almost took her out at the knees. She would recognize that snort anywhere. After all, she’d heard it directed her way often enough.

“Where’s the Kendrick lad?” Angus asked.

“Back here. Tied up like a Christmas turkey,” Graeme replied.

Sabrina took a quick step forward. “Mr. Kendrick, are you—”

Angus pulled her back to murmur in her ear. “He’s tellin’ us his situation. That he canna help.”

Bill twisted around to glare at the nook. “Shut yer gob, or I’ll clobber ye.”

“I believe you already have,” Graeme replied in a hard voice.

One of the boys waved his club. “Want me to cosh him again, guv?”

“If you dare to hit Mr. Kendrick, I will not give you a single shilling,” Sabrina snapped. “And then I’ll take that blasted club and coshyouover the head.”

Bill loudly guffawed. “I said barmy? Complete loony, more like.”

“Easy lass,” Angus whispered. “Stick to the plan.”

Sabrina drew in a breath to steady her nerves and her fury. “All right . . .” She frowned. “I cannot keep calling you Old Bill.”

“I dinna care what ye call me. After tonight, ye’ll nae be seein’ me again.” He flashed a smile, one that sported a number of missing teeth. “And if ye ever do, ye’ll be wishin’ the good Lord ye hadn’t.”

“The only business you have with the good Lord is to ask His forgiveness for your truly wretched behavior,” she replied. “Before I give you the money, I will also have your word that you will abandon your criminal enterprise and cease using children for your nefarious activities.”

“Good God,” Graeme muttered.

Sabrina couldn’t blame him, since she had sounded rather demented. But she was simply following the plan. To keep Bill talking and distracted until the others found their way in.

Fortunately, Bill rose to the bait. “Ye can sod off, lady. The only thing yer getting from me—if ye pays up—is the big Kendrick oaf.” He glared in the direction of the cubbyhole. “And yer welcome to him. The bastard broke one of my bowman’s arms.”

Sabrina seized the opportunity to prolong the discussion. “Why in heaven’s name would a pickpocketing gang need a bowman? That sounds entirely deranged.”

Angus smothered a chuckle. “Bowman is cant for thief.”

“Aye, and a nasty break it was, too,” Bill snarled. “I’ll be havin’ to pay an old sawbones to fix it.”

“That is most unfortunate,” Sabrina said. “But as long as Mr. Kendrick didn’t break a child’s arm—”

“Of course I didn’t break a child’s arm,” came the irritated interruption from the back.

“Then I’m sure the bowman deserved it,” Sabrina finished. “Kidnapping Mr. Kendrick was thoroughly illegal Mr., er, Bill.”

“Everythin’ I do is illegal,” the gang leader replied, shooting her a disbelieving glare. “And now I’m down another man, on top of ye stealin’ away my best earner. Ye owe me, girl, and ye’ll pay up or yer gent here will get the worst of it.”

As if for emphasis, one of his young guards waved his club.

Sabrina pointed a finger at the lad. “You should be ashamed of yourself, young man. Going around hitting people, when you should be in school or learning a trade.”

The lad sneered. “I gots a trade, lady. I’m a thief.”

“Thieving is not a profession with a future, I assure you. In fact, you will likely be transported before you’re much older. Or worse, I’m sorry to say.”

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