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“Open it and see.”

He flipped it over and frowned. “That’s the royal seal.”

Sabrina twirled a finger, as if to hurry him up.

Graeme broke the seal and extracted a letter written in an elaborate hand on fine parchment. He quickly scanned it, blinked in disbelief, and then slowly read it again.

“Well?” Sabrina asked with a touch of impatience.

Stunned, he took a few moments to answer. “A knighthood? You must be joking.”

“Not even a little bit. The next time we’re in London, His Majesty will confer a knighthood on you for services rendered to the Crown.”

“I truly don’t know what to say.” It was ridiculous, perhaps, certainly undeserved . . . and yet rather wonderful, for all that.

“I know you don’t care about these things, but Aden and Dominic were quite determined. And of course I thought it a splendid idea.” She gave a little chuckle. “Father will like it, too. Then he can’t fuss about you being a plain old Scotsman anymore.”

When Graeme didn’t answer, she grimaced. “Graeme, if you truly don’t want it . . .”

He swept her into his arms and pressed a resounding kiss to her lips. “Of course I want it, daft lass. I’m just rather dumbstruck. It’s not as if I deserve the honor.”

She gave him a little shake. “Graeme Kendrick, you are the finest man I haveeverknown. No one deserves a knighthood more than you.”

He had to clear his throat before answering. “Och, my brothers will have a field day, ye ken. I’ll never hear the end of it.”

“I told your family before dinner. They are all incredibly proud. Angus was so excited I was afraid he would ruin the surprise.”

“Sir Graeme Kendrick.” He let out a ghost of a laugh. “Who would have believed it?”

“Only everyone who knows you.” Then she patted his chest. “Well, Sir Graeme, I suppose we’d better get back to our guests. Father will start to wonder where we are.”

“We can’t have dear, old da fretting about you.” Graeme offered his arm. “Ready, Lady Sabrina?”

“It’s Lady Kendrick, if you please. And I’m ready for anything, now that I’ve got you. Even a dunking in the Serpentine.”

“Pulling you out of that lake was the best thing I ever did, ye ken.”

Sabrina tucked herself close to his side. “I ken very well. It was the luckiest day of my life, because I met you.”

“The luck was all mine, sweet lass. The luck was all mine.”
