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“It’s rose satin, as anyone with an eye for fashion can see. I’m afraid you do not have an eye for fashion.”

He laughed. “Perhaps not, but I know what I like. And I like that color on you. It matches your freckles when you blush.”

She heaved a sigh. “Really, sir, only you would point that out.”

“But I like your freckles.” He leaned closer. “Verramuch,” he added in a deep brogue.


Kathleen had no choice now but to open her fan and start fanning herself. Grant chuckled and resumed his position against the doorframe.

“So, no disturbing gossip, thus far?” he asked.

Kathleen breathed a sigh of relief. Flirting with Grant Kendrick was a risky proposition, especially to her heart.

“All seems well.” She glanced around. “Where’s Sabrina? I haven’t seen her in some time.”

“She slipped upstairs. To check on Gus, I’m thinking.”

Kathleen was suddenly horrified at the notion that little Gus might be at risk. “I . . . I never even thought of that.”

Grant rested a big hand on her shoulder, his thumb sliding over the exposed skin above her puffed sleeve. Her anxiety began to ease at his gentle touch.

“There’s no reason to worry,” he said. “The nursery is well guarded, as is the rest of the house.”

She’d seen some precautions put in place, but had been too busy with the floral arrangements and getting ready for the party to pay much attention.

“What about the kitchen? Keeping the food safe, I mean.”

He snorted. “Hannah suggested that Angus serve as the official taster. She noted that he’s such an ornery old bird no one would care if he popped off.”

She couldn’t help but smile. “Oh dear. Poor Angus.”

“No, poor me. I had to separate them.”

“I can well imagine the scene. But I do hope there’s truly no concern about the kitchen. Sabrina told me that Cook and the housekeeper would check everything and make sure only the regular kitchen staff were involved in preparations.” The very idea of someone tampering with the food made her queasy.

Grant shook his head. “Lass, there’s naught to worry about. Trust me, all right?”

She stared up at him, lost for several heartbeats in the depths of his forest-green gaze.

“I do,” she finally whispered.

They were the truest words to ever cross her lips.

For long moments, they just stared at each other. Then his head dipped a bit, as if he would actually kiss her, before he straightened up to put space between them again. Kathleen had to resist the temptation to press a hand to her fluttering heart.

“Gracious,” she squeaked.

His mouth twisted into a wry smile. “What I wouldn’t give for a quiet little corner right now.”

“That sounds ... quite improper, sir.”

She’d been about to say,wonderful, like a complete ninny.

“Perhaps later, then?”
