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Home hit, old boy.

“And how do I do that?” he asked in a neutral tone.

“For one thing, you don’t yell.” She rolled her eyes. “Other Kendricks yellquitea lot.”

He snorted. “Noticed, did you?”

“One would have to be dead not to notice. You sit there and let them storm and bluster. Then, when they’ve blown themselves out, you make a suggestion.” She shrugged, revealing more bare shoulder. “From what I can tell, at that point they usually do what you suggest.”

That was precisely how he’d learned to manage his family.

She gave him a rueful smile. “I wish I had the knack for it, at least with Jeannie.”

They drank their whisky, listening to the hard drum of rain on the roof. Kathleen shifted to rearrange her blanket more closely around her shoulders.

“Can I ask you a question?” she said softly.

“Of course.”

“Why have you never married?”

Grant blinked. “Sorry?”

“I know it’s very forward of me, but most men of your age and social standing are married by now.”

“Perhaps I’m simply a confirmed bachelor, too fussy for my own good.”

She scoffed. “Balderdash. I’d wager you’ve had legions of girls trailing after you. As a longtime denizen of the Marriage Mart, I’m quite expert on these matters.”

He thought it best to deflect the uncomfortable discussion about his life. “Well, you’re an exceedingly eligible young lady. Why aren’tyoumarried?”

“Simple. No one has asked me.”

“Are all the men in London complete boobs?”

She chuckled. “Apparently so. Now, stop dodging the question.”

“Frankly, I’ve just never given the matter much thought.”

That wasn’t entirely true. He’d met several interesting girls over the years who likely would have made splendid wives if he’d taken the trouble to court them. Except for that one ridiculous episode in his youth, he’d never been willing to put forth the effort.

Until now.

Kathleen wisely nodded. “That makes sense, given the sort of person you are.”

That didnotsound promising.

“And what sort of person am I?”

“A solitary one.”

He snorted. “Surrounded by so many noisy Kendricks? Impossible.”

“On the contrary. One can live surrounded by people and still feel alone.”

And wasn’t that a twist of the knife in the heart? It seemed impossible that someone as bright and vivacious as Kathleen, so full of light and warmth she practically shimmered, could feel alone. Couldbealone.

If there was ever a woman who deserved loving, who deserved to be the heart and soul of a man’s life, it was Kathleen Calvert.
