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“We’ll have Sabrina put them off,” Grant said. “She can say you’re too worn out to see visitors.”

“It wouldn’t be far off. I cannot wait to get off this blasted horse.”

“I imagine our poor horses feel the same.”

“Yes, I’m aware today has been a strain on the horses,” she snapped.

Grant wrestled his temper under control. “Kathleen, I know it’s been a trying day—”

“And I’m acting like a complete henwit,” she interrupted. “I apologize, Mr. Kendrick.”

“Mr. Kendrick? It’s a bit late for that, is it not?”

Her sigh was exasperated. “Please don’t remind me.”

And wasn’t that just jolly?

“Kathleen, I—”

“It’s just that Captain Brown was so awful,” she burst out. “I was mortified, especially to have it happen in front of his brother.”

“I assure you that I’ll be having a word with yon captain about his conduct. It’s well past due. As for David, I think those inane innuendoes sailed right over his head.”

“Those inane innuendoes were unfortunately accurate.”

His temper spiked again. “Unfortunately? Is that how you would characterize what happened between us?”

“Yes. No.” She flapped a hand. “I don’t know, really. I was just so embarrassed, that’s all. I don’t mean to be rude.”

“Och, and I’m being a complete brute,” Grant ruefully said. “You’re tired and in dire need of a cup of tea and something to eat.”

“I’m in dire need of a brandy and a warm bath.”

At the moment, Grant could wish for nothing more than to be in that bath with her. Clearly, though, things between them were decidedly unresolved.

“Kathleen, I don’t want you to worry about anything. And if the captain knows what’s good for him, he’ll be keeping his bloody mouth shut.”

“Best to leave it alone, I think,” she replied in a gloomy tone. “A confrontation would probably just encourage him to foster more gossip.”

“There’s bound to be a little gossip, sweetheart. We’ve been gone for most of the day.”

“Fine, but can we please not talk about it right now?” she said. “I’m exhausted.”

He repressed a sigh. “Of course.”

They finished the remainder of the short ride in grim silence. Grant too felt weariness drag at his bones. After the fire last night, he’d not slept much and had risen with the dawn. That plus the tumultuous events of today made him feel like he’d been awake for a week.

Now, on top of everything else, Kathleen clearly was none too enamored of him, despite her earlier enthusiastic indications to the contrary.

When they rode under the stone arch and into the manor’s central courtyard, Kathleen breathed out a sigh of relief.

“Thank God,” she said.

“Aye, that. You’ll be in a hot bath in no time.”

She cast him a wary look as they brought their horses to a halt.

“Grant, I—”
