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“That was obviously another girl,” Grant said.

“Really? Thank you for that enlightening observation, Mr. Kendrick.”

There was a momentary, fraught silence.

“So, I hope you found that old hut a cozy place to hole up together,” Graeme said in a hearty voice. “Plenty of whisky there, as well as blankets to keep you wrapped up nice and tight, eh?”

Grant repressed the urge to smack his brother in the back of the head.

Sabrina scowled at her husband. “You are an idiot, Graeme Kendrick.”

“What did I say?” Graeme protested.

Hannah came trotting down the stairs. “Miss Calvert’s bath is almost ready, my lady, and Cook is sending a tea tray to her room.”

“Any chance I could get a brandy, too?” Kathleen asked.

Sabrina led her over to the staircase. “You can have the entire decanter, if you wish.”

As she followed Kathleen up the stairs, she glanced over her shoulder at Grant. “Menace,” she mouthed.

Hannah, who was eyeing both Grant and his twin with disdain, shook her head. “Feckless, the both of you,” she said before following the ladies.

“Not sure why I’m getting it between the teeth,” Graeme commented. “Now, old boy. How about a nice glass of whisky? You seem like you could use it.”

“You have no idea.”

Graeme slung an arm around Grant’s shoulders and led him to his study.

“Can’t be as bad as all that, lad.”

“It’s worse,” Grant said.

Graeme pointed to one of the wing chairs in front of the blazing hearth.

With a grateful sigh, Grant settled in. “Where’s Angus?”

“Upstairs with Gus. No doubt he’ll pop down soon enough.”

“I’ll look forward to it,” Grant dryly replied.

Graeme handed him a crystal glass with a hefty portion of whisky. “You know he’ll want to find out exactly what happened this afternoon.”

“Grandda will no doubt deduce the answer as quickly as you have.”

Graeme propped a shoulder against the fireplace mantel. “All jesting aside, I’m afraid your lengthy absence with the fair Kathleen is likely to cause a wee spot of gossip.”

“Did you really need to send out a blasted search party?” Grant asked. “I was perfectly capable of getting Kathleen home in one piece.”

“More or less.”

“I thought we were being serious.”

“We are. Of course I knew she was perfectly safe with you. My wife, however, grew more perturbed as the day wore on.”

“It was just a storm, Graeme.”

“Aye, but let’s not forget the villains afoot in these lands. Sabrina was in a complete stew that you’d fallen afoul of them.”
