Page 100 of Flare

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Can I tell Uncle Talon that my father and Uncle Bryce have deliberately kept things from him and the rest of the family over the years?

Does he even know about Pat Lamone and his alleged claim to the Steel fortune?

Surely my father told him that much.

But I have no idea. I don’t feel like I know my father at all.

And I’m not sure I know my uncle either.

But these two blond men, my cousins, I know them.

And together we’ll figure this out.

“Uncle Talon?”

“Yes, Brock?”

“Have Dale and Donny told you about the nurse who poisoned you?”

Uncle Talon draws in a deep breath. “They have.”

“So what do you think? Who could be behind all of this?”

“The only people who I know for sure could be behind this are dead,” Uncle Talon says.

“My father says the same thing, but what if they’re not?”

“They are.”

“Butarethey, though? My father also told me that his father—your father—faked his own death twice.”

“Yes, he did.”

“And the other guys—the ones who…”

“It’s okay, Brock. You can say it.”

Except I can’t. I can’t say those dreadful words. Something in my throat keeps them lodged. So I continue as if I said them. “Are you sure they’re all dead?”

“Tom Simpson, Uncle Bryce’s father, killed himself in front of your father.”

“Yes. He told me.”

“And Larry Wade died in prison, so either he was killed, or he killed himself.”

“And what about the other one? Aunt Ruby’s father?”

“Wendy Madigan killed him, and we were all witness to it.”

“I know. I get it. But my father said he was witness to our grandfather’s death as well. Twice.”

“Brock,” Donny says. “These people would be really old by now.”

“I know that. But damn… Who else would have something against us?”

“It could be any number of people,” Uncle Talon says. “My father had his share of enemies.”

“But why?”
