Page 106 of Flare

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“Did I say cute? I meant beautiful. Breathtakingly beautiful.”

“That’s better.” This time she stretches her arms above her head and actually pulls herself into a sitting position. “I should go home. I’ve been neglecting my poor dog.”

“Why don’t you bring your dog over here?”

That gets her wide awake. “What?”

“Move in with me.”

Her jaw drops.

And I have to keep my own jaw from dropping. Did I really just ask this woman to move in with me?


“I know. Crazy, right? But I really want you to.”


“What is it, sweetheart?”

“I mean, you just sprang this on me.”

“I love you,” I say.

“I love you too, but moving in… That’s big, Brock. Really big.”

Yeah, it’s big. Part of me can’t believe the words came out of my mouth. Me. Brock Steel. Infamous Steel playboy.

But I don’t regret the words. Not at all.

“Maybe Iwantbig with you, Rory.”

“But we haven’t talked about the future…”

“No, we haven’t. Why do we need to talk about the future? We’re happy today. We love each other today.”

“Moving in is a big commitment.”

“It doesn’t have to be.”

“Are you kidding me?” She stands, paces around the room in her glorious nakedness.

“I’m not kidding about anything,” I say.

“Brock, we’ve been in love for…what, a day? Two? Moving in is a big step.”

I’ve heard the stories about my parents and all my aunts and uncles—the stories about how we Steels fall hard and fall fast. Then I watched it happen to Dale and Donny.

I never believed it would happen to me. Never in a million years. But it has. It has totally happened to me.

“It doesn’t have to be such a big step, Rory.”

“How can you not see this?” She shakes her head as she shimmies into her jeans. “Moving in together is one step below marriage.”

“Then marry me,” I say.

The words are as big a surprise to me as they are to her.
