Page 137 of Flare

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“You’re engaged. You’re settling down with the woman of your dreams. Everything should be going great for you. You’re the city attorney of Snow Creek. And me? Damn. I’m in love. For the first time in my life, I’m in love with the most beautiful woman in the freaking town. She loves me back, Don. She fucking loves me back. It’s amazing, the feeling. The overwhelming elation of being in love, but it’s tainted. Tainted by this whole fucking mess.”

The elevator dings, and the door opens.

Donny meets my gaze. “I suppose we don’t have to do this.”

I walk into the elevator, turn, and regard him. “We have to do this, cuz. We absolutely have to.”

He follows me into the elevator, and the doors close. Donny hits the button for the third floor.

“You’re right. We have to do this. We have to fucking do this.”

The elevator jolts but then ascends slowly.

“Man, we need better elevators here. What if someone has to get to the OR quickly?”

“These aren’t the OR elevators,” Donny says.

“Yeah. Of course not.”

My mind is awash with crap. I’m not sure what I’m even thinking at this moment.

Finally, we make it to the third floor.

“What do we do when we get there?” I ask as we step off the elevator.

“We don’t have to do anything. All we need to do is get the name of the person he’s visiting. We can figure out why later.”


“What was the room number again?” Donny asks.

“3520.” I check the sign on the wall. “We go this way,” I say, heading right.

Donnie and I walk down the hallway, smile at the nurses sitting at the station.

One of them smiles back, and the others don’t look up from what they’re doing.

“Security here is great,” I say with sarcasm.

“That’s in our favor for now. We can make sure they increase security later. When we no longer need this.”

“Yeah, right.”

3504, 3506, 3508…

We walk, slowly, past all the rooms.

3512, 3514, 3516…

One more room to go, and then we’ll hit 3520, near the end of the hallway.

I stop.

Donny turns, meets my gaze. “You okay?”

“Yeah. I’m fine. It’s just…”

“I know. We’re about to find out one more fact. One more thing that won’t make any sense. Believe me, I get it.”
